Standard 5 - Program Impact
The institution ensures that candidates preparing to serve as professional school personnel know and demonstrate knowledge and skills necessary to educate and support effectively all students in meeting state adopted academic standards.
Assessments indicate that candidates meet the Commission adopted competency requirements as specified in the program standards.
No additional information is required during the Common Standards submission.
The unit and its programs demonstrate that they are ha ving a positive impact on teaching and learning in schools that serve California’s students.
IMPACT is a core tenet of our conceptual framework
(REACH.TEACH.IMPACT) and our mission statement underscores our commitment to not just preparing educators but continuing to offer support as they work to make an impact on those they serve.
The college is committed to the preparation and professional development of innovative and transformative educators who advance just, equitable and inclusive education.
The Dean highlights points of pride and accomplishments toward this commitment through public documents that are used for advertising and highlighting current events.
COE One Sheet
is a yearly snapshot of data highlighting points of pride and their effect on our impact on campus and in the community.
COE IMPACT Newsletter
is a biannual publication that recognizes faculty and alumni activities and accomplishments that are making a difference in all facets of the educational community.
Candidates seek out our programs for excellent educator preparation and the surrounding community recognizes the value of this education. Over half of Orange County teachers are prepared at CSUF.
- #1 in credentials awarded by a public institution in California (CA database)
- #1 producers of teachers earning a Bilingual Authorization in California (CA database)
- 67% of teachers in Orange County were educated at CSUF in the College of Education (Orange County Department of Education Survey, 2019).
- 100% employment rate of speech-language pathologists prepared at CSUF (COMD surveys)
Our impact is notable not only through the educators we supply to our local schools, but also for our continuous outreach efforts to provide ongoing professional development to teachers and engage in partnerships with local school districts and community organizations. Some examples include:
- Established partnerships with 300 schools from 70 local school districts
- Procurement of over $2 million dollars per year in external funding
to develop and provide a wide variety of outreach activities and resources
- Serving thousands of birth-12th grade students through various services provided by our centers (e.g., STEM, art, language development, reading and autism)
- Beginning the first undergraduate degree program offered by the College of The B.A. degree in Urban Learning will create a pipeline of future educators
Other faculty outreach efforts to impact continuous learning for educators, students, and families include a wide variety of available resources and webinars, workshops. All work to provide support for educators to remain knowledgeable, current, and relevant in their field. These resources and webinars are curated and led by faculty from all unit programs.
COE Website Resources and Webinar training series:
Just, Equitable, and Inclusive Education Resources
: Articles, books, resource guides, link to resources is embedded in email signatures, includes a link for visitors to add resource suggestions
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Resources
: Webinars created by faculty, articles, lessons, guides, etc. on eleven SEL related topics
Virtual Teaching and Learning Resources
: Websites for teaching materials and ideas, remote instruction, subject matter resources
Anti-Racism Free Webinars (4) offered by the Secondary Education Department
: Also includes other resources such as a video series, and anti-racists teaching methods and materials
Each of our Centers are actively involved in providing out-reach to educators and families in the community. Some specific examples are presented here. Visit center websites for a full description of the exemplary work our Centers do to make an impact in our educational community:
SchoolsFirstFCU Center for Creativity and Critical Thinking
– Building partnerships with local schools to provide to develop knowledge, skills and dispositions for success in a digital and global century. Examples of Professional Development opportunities:
K-12 Webinar/workshop Series
– 2022-2023 features 14 webinar/workshops on a wide- variety of topics (sessions from years past are recorded and available on You Tube). All are
Inquiry and Innovation Professional Learning Series for Teachers
– All sessions are Teachers receive resources and materials and can earn .5 continuing education credits. Some pair alumni with faculty as workshop leads.
Creative Art Workshops
- In-Person, on campus Professional Development Some pair alumni with faculty as workshop leads.
Hazel Miller Croy Reading Center
– Providing reading support in Orange County for 50 years, through intervention, assessment, camps, and programs.
Center for Autism
– Improving the lives of individuals with autism spectrum disorder through research, teaching, clinical service, and community involvement.
Center for Research on Educational Access and Leadership (CREAL)
– identifying and responding to local problems and issues in partnership PK-20 educational institutions.
SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union Center for Careers in Teaching
– Providing workshops, advising, and credentialing support for all students interested in pursuing teaching.
Our alumni continue to make an important contribution to the field of education; to the students and families they serve, to potential current credential candidates, and to the faculty and mentors who helped prepare them. We are proud to share some of their stories and celebrate their successes (articles below from 2022; articles from years past can be found at CSUF in the News - Education.
Alumni-Panelists for Ed Week event
Ed Week 2022 (a professional education event for the campus) featured four Teacher Panels, all comprised of alumni who discussed the need for teachers of color in P-12 education.
Teacher (Alumnus) Honored for Leading Virtual Tutoring Program During Pandemic
Learning From Inclusive K-12 Education in Germany, Haiti – virtual study abroad program
Building a Pipeline of Teachers to Create Inclusive, Plurilingual Classrooms
Speaking Up for Dual Immersion
Alumnus Comes Full Circle as Mentor for Men of Color in Education
Music Alumnus Hits High Note as a California Teacher of the Year
Educator at the Top of the Class: Finalist for National Principal of the Year
Alumni are also sought out and honored for their continued growth and impact in California schools and broader community. Each year the COE hosts an annual Honor and Educator
event which highlights an alum with special recognition by the Dean and presented the “Alumni of the Year
Award.” Alumni are selected through a nomination process and selected by the Dean’s Leadership Team for their exceptional impact they make in the work they do. Teachers from all unit programs are eligible for the award.
The event also recognizes and honors any teacher that has been nominated for recognition for their special contributions to the field of education. The nomination letters highlight their accomplishments and impact and are read as they come to the stage to be recognized.
Current and past awardees are all listed and their impact as educators shared on the Honor an Educator
As shown the unit makes a note-worthy impact in the community we serve and beyond. We are so immensely proud to share these brief examples and to be a part of changing the educational landscape for the good.