Standard 3 - Fieldwork and Clinical Practice
The unit designs and implements a planned sequence of clinical experiences for candidates to develop and demonstrate the knowledge and skills to educate and
support P-12 students in meeting state-adopted content standards. The unit and all programs collaborate with their partners regarding the criteria and selection of
clinical personnel, site-based supervisors, and school sites, as appropriate to the program.
- Through site-based work and clinical experiences, programs offered by the unit provide candidates with opportunities to both experience issues of diversity that affect school climate and to effectively implement research-based strategies for improving teaching and student learning.
- Site-based supervisors must be certified and experienced in teaching the specified content or performing the services authorized by the credential.
- The process and criteria result in the selection of site-based supervisors who provide effective and knowledgeable support for candidates.
- Site-based supervisors are trained in supervision, oriented to the supervisory role, evaluated, and recognized in a systematic manner.
- All programs effectively implement and evaluate fieldwork and clinical
- For each program the unit offers, candidates have considerable experiences in California public schools with diverse student populations and the opportunity to work with the range of students identified in the program standards.
Information on the specifics on how each program meets the requirements of this standard can be found in program review documents previously submitted. While each program has the academic freedom to design and implement their program in ways that best meet the needs of their candidates and constituents, the unit has processes in place to ensure program standards and requirements for clinical practice are monitored and supported. The Associate Dean and the Director of Accreditation and Assessment oversee the use of unit-wide policies and procedures that provide consistency in clinical practice implementation across programs.
Program transition point charts are required to be updated and submitted annually. These charts present program requirements and assessments used to ensure candidates successfully matriculate from entry to exit. These charts show that clinical practice (fieldwork/student teaching/practicum) and coursework occur together, giving candidates the opportunity to observe and practice theories and methods they are learning. In addition, both fieldwork and coursework evaluations must meet passing criteria for candidates to transition into other stages of clinical practice.
Program Transition Point Chart Examples (full set available in Standard 4):
Each program has a placement coordinator position that is funded by the unit. Coordinators work with school district personnel to ensure:
- candidates are placed in richly diverse public schools and districts that offer authentic experiences for candidates to better understand and practice methods necessary to meet the needs of all learners. At least one placement must offer the opportunity for candidates to work with English learners and students with identified special needs.
- candidates are placed with mentor teachers who have the knowledge, skills, and disposition to model best practices and support candidates’ development as an educator. In addition, prospective mentor teachers for initial programs must certify they have completed 10 hours of initial support/training. Placement coordinators send a district letter explaining all selection criteria and the verification process and materials for the training requirement. Districts verify teachers who have met all qualifications and together with the placement coordinators candidates are matched with qualified mentors. Except for Speech-Language Pathology and School Nursing, advanced program clinical practice is job-embedded.
- candidates are supported by program site-based supervisors who have the expertise and experience in the same area of the candidate they are supporting. All supervisors receive orientation training and materials that explain their roles and responsibilities (supporting evidence included in Program Review documents), as well as ongoing professional development opportunities within their Candidates have the opportunity to evaluate site-based supervisors using Student Opinion Questionnaires (SOQs).
Site-Based Supervisor Qualifications
Initial Program Professional Development by Department
Advanced Professional Development by Department
- Student Opinion Questionnaires for clinical practice site-based supervisors
Site-Based Supervisor Qualifications
- candidates are evaluated by both their mentor teachers and university supervisors in each clinical placement. The unit uses a centralized online system and database for use by all initial programs to conduct and collect evaluations. Evaluation data are collected, analyzed, and provided to program coordinators, mentors and candidates. Field experiences are scaffolded, and candidates may not move into the next field placement without successfully meeting evaluation passing standards at each transition point. Remediation plans are in place, if needed, at formative stages of evaluation. Advanced programs have individual assessment protocols for clinical practice/practicum. Many are course based and evaluated by course faculty. All program evaluations, initial and advanced, are used to evaluate proficiency levels on unit/program outcomes and professional standards. (Please see program reviews for specific examples and documentation).
All unit credential programs follow the tenets of Policy One: Standards for Continued Participation in Credential Programs.