Standard 2 - Candidate Recruitment and Support
Candidates are recruited and supported in all educator preparation programs to ensure their success.
2.1 The education unit accepts applicants for its educator preparation programs based on clear criteria that include multiple measures of candidate qualifications.
All credential educator preparation programs recruit and accept applicants based on clear criteria which are described and made accessible in the university catalog, recruitment materials, overview sessions, and program websites.
Program Admission Requirements
Bilingual Authorization
Educational Leadership, Preliminary Credential (PASC)
Educational Leadership Clear Credential (CASC)
Literacy and Reading Credential Program
Multiple Subject Credential Program– All Pathways
- School Nursing Program
Single Subject Credential Program
Special Education Program – All Pathways
Speech-Language Pathology Program
Additional Requirements for all Preliminary Credential programs include:
- Professional/Personal Letters of Recommendation – Number and type vary by program
- Passing Score on Program Interviews
- In 2021, the COE added the requirement of an Ethnic Studies course
- Attend program overview session (prior to application submission)
2.2 The education unit purposefully recruits and admits candidates to diversify the educator pool in California and provides the support, advice, and assistance to promote their successful entry and retention in the profession.
2.2 (a) recruits and admits candidates to diversify the educator pool in California
The university, college and departments are committed to recruiting and admitting candidates to increase the diversity of qualified educators to better reflect the populations they will serve in California P-12 schools.
All unit program college websites have a tab for prospective/future students used to provide program (including credential) information to those checking out websites of potential university/college/programs they may be interested in attending.
College of Education Prospective Students
College of Communication Prospective Students
College of Health and Human Development Future Students
Advertising is one recruitment effort that is used across unit programs. Many programs have brochures, flyers, or marketing cards that are distributed across campus, at conferences and other events, etc. The information on each varies by program, but all have contact and application information.
Program Recruitment Advertising Examples
Educational Leadership (CASC)
Educational Leadership (CASC) Marketing Card
Educational Leadership (PASC)
Literacy and Reading
Multiple Subject - All Pathways
School Nursing
Single Subject
Special Education
Keeping an active presence on social media platforms is also a way of informing the public of college and program news and activities, to garner interest in programs offered.
College of Education (All credential programs)
- Twitter
- LinkedIN
- Flickr
- Instagram
Department of Communications (Speech-Pathology Program)
- LinkedIN
- Instagram
School of Nursing
- Twitter
- Instagram
- Pinterest
In the College of Education (COE) the commitment to the recruitment of diverse candidates is a goal in the current strategic plan; Goal 2.2 Increase underrepresented students of color in each initial credential and advanced program to equal the number of underrepresented students on campus. As the lead college of the professional education unit programs, these recruitment efforts put forth by the COE can also serve other educator preparation programs on campus.
Some examples include:
- Held every November, this event for the campus community highlights the impact earning a credential or degree in education can have, while providing students, alumni, and community partners to shine. The commitment to diversity and inclusion is evident in the events that are planned and largely executed by current students and alumni, such as symposiums, teacher panels, future educator expos. See flyer for 2022 ED Week
for specific examples.
- The Men of Color in Education (MCE) Program supports African American/Black and Latino male students who aspire to impact communities through teaching.
- Titan Future Teachers is designed to support current CSUF undergraduate students interested in a career in education.
Recruitment and Retention Projects Specific to the School of Nursing:
ENGAGE/ENRICH – Federally funded programs to increase nursing workforce diversity.
Candidate demographics (fall 2022) show these efforts have had a positive effect on garnering a diverse candidate population that is becoming more aligned with that of the institution, as well as the school districts we serve.
Credential Candidates Demographics
District Placement Schools Demographics
2.2. (b) Unit programs provide the support, advice, and assistance to promote candidates’ successful entry and retention in the profession.
2.3 Appropriate information and personnel are clearly identified and accessible to guide each candidate’s attainment of program requirements.
No additional information is required during the Common Standards submission.
2.4 Evidence regarding progress in meeting competency and performance expectations is consistently used to guide advisement and candidate support efforts. A clearly defined process is in place to identify and support candidates who need additional assistance to meet competencies.
No additional information is required during the Common Standards submission.