Doctoral Programs
Preparing for leadership requires academic training in a professional, culturally diverse environment that integrates the application of theory to practice. The doctoral program in Educational Leadership delivers learning opportunities through two unique program specializations:
P-12 Leadership
Community College Leadership.
The P-12 program is immersed in and interfaces with P-12 students and faculty. The Community College program specifically focuses on and interfaces with community college students and faculty. The inquiry-based, problem-solving curriculum for both programs is designed to help education professionals learn by fully integrating their experiences in discussion, research, and fieldwork.
- Nine term, 60-unit program including the dissertation
- A cohort structure delivers collaborative graduate study designed to expand individual leadership responsiveness
- Dedicated support for each student includes personal advising, writing and statistics coaching, research guidance, dissertation editing, learning support, and conference funding
- Professional mentorship delivers academic and career advice and guidance to stimulate your personal and professional growth