K12 Teaching Webinars & Workshops

The Center for Critical Thinking and Creativity is pleased to offer free professional development to P12 teachers. This online webinar and in person workshop series focuses on a wide range of teaching strategies and support for teachers at all levels of education. All webinars are posted on the College of Education's YouTube Channel and freely available to all.

 Special Education and Augmented Reality: Elementary Education Lessons and Strategies
Saturday, March 22, 2025 
Location: CSUF campus, College Park Building, CP 120
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 AM
 This elementary and special education workshop is created just for teachers and pre-service teachers who want to expand their skills and learn about AR resources. Learn and integrating AR resources into elementary special education lessons. Join us for this on-campus, in-person workshop taught by Dr. Gautreau and Dr. Row. Questions: trow@fullerton.edu
 Harnessing AI for K-12 Learning: Opportunities, Challenges, and Practical Strategies
  April 12, 2025
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
In Person
Presenters: Dr. Larios and Dr. Soto-Pena
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming education, offering new ways to enhance teaching and learning. This interactive session will introduce educators to the fundamentals of AI, explore its pedagogical applications in the K-12 classroom, and discuss both the benefits and challenges of integrating AI-powered tools into instruction. Participants will engage in hands-on activities using Magic School AI and Notebook LM, experimenting with AI-generated lesson planning, differentiation, and student engagement strategies.
By the end of the session, teachers will walk away with practical AI-driven strategies they can implement immediately in their classrooms, empowering them to use AI as a tool for creativity, efficiency, and student-centered learning. Whether you are new to AI or already experimenting with its applications, this session will provide valuable insights into how AI can support meaningful, equitable, and innovative instruction.
If you have questions about this workshops, please email  rolarios@fullerton.edu

What's New with Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum (ERWC)?

March 15, 2025 @ 11am - 12:00 pm, PST

Chris Street, PhD. Zoom link:  https://fullerton.zoom.us/my/chrisstreet

The Expository Reading and Writing Course has been thriving for 20 years now.  Come to this one hour workshop to learn all about the new and exciting aspects of the third edition of the ERWC curriculum.  This workshop is intended for middle and high school teachers.


Why Writing Matters

March 29, 2025 @ 9:00 - 10:00 am, PST

Chris Street, PhD. Zoom link:  https://fullerton.zoom.us/my/chrisstreet

Establishing the importance of writing in secondary schools and how vital writing skills are for success in college and career.  This workshop is intended for middle and high school teachers


Title:  Engage, Discuss, Think: Strategies for Fostering Student Engagement and Dialogue in Read-Alouds Focused on Social Issues
Presenters: Assistant Professors Madeleine Mejia and Amanda Diaz 
Date: Saturday,  March 29, 2025
Time: 9:00 am-11:45 am
Location: EC 24
Description:  Join us for an interactive session where we delve into innovative strategies for promoting student engagement and meaningful dialogue during read-aloud sessions, all while promoting critical literacy!
Through collaborative discussions, hands-on activities, and real-world examples, you will gain insights into: Exploring the foundational principles and strategies of critical thinking skills and critical literacy Developing culturally relevant and sustaining pedagogy practices that honor students’ cultural backgrounds and promote equitable learning experiences addressing hesitancy and fostering a supportive classroom environment
Target audience: Elementary-High School

Approaches and Strategies for Teaching Writing

April 5, 2025 @ 9:00 am -10:00 am PST

Chris Street, PhD. Zoom link:  https://fullerton.zoom.us/my/chrisstreet

This session will discuss research-based approaches and proven strategies for teaching writing to secondary students, including the ethical use of AI as a resource.  This workshop is intended for middle and high school teachers.


Providing Helpful Feedback to Student Writers

April 19, 2025 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am PST

Chris Street, PhD. Zoom link:  https://fullerton.zoom.us/my/chrisstreet

This session will focus on time saving approaches to providing students with helpful feedback on their writing. This workshop is intended for middle and high school teachers.


Title: Transformative Family Literacy Practices with Diverse Communities

Dr. Rosie Ordonez-Jasis (Dept. of Literacy and Reading Education)

Date: Saturday,  June 21, 2025

Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Location: EC 24 (Education Building)

Description: This in-person workshop will explore ways to more fully engage diverse families through culturally and linguistically sustaining literacy practices. Participants will learn ways to partner with communities to promote family literacy.  Target audience: PK-6th   grade teachers.



Augmented Reality and Google Translate: Lesson Plan Ideas for Elementary Teachers

This webinar provides an overview about augmented reality, and lesson plan ideas for teachers who are interested in integrating Google Translate into their teaching. It is for teachers who are new to using AR in the classroom and eager to begin the integration process.


Augmented Reality and Measure App: Lesson Plan Ideas for Elementary Teachers

This webinar provides an overview about augmented reality, and lesson plan ideas for teachers who are interested in integrating the Measure App into their teaching. It is for teachers who are new to using AR in the classroom and eager to begin the integration process.



Support for Seeking Post Graduate Studies as a K12 Teachers

Dr. Diaz shares a pathway for K12 teachers who are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree to advance their education.


Providing Helpful Feedback to Student Writers

This session focuses on time saving approaches to providing students with helpful
feedback on their writing, including the ethical use of AI as a tool for providing formative
feedback to student writers.


Addressing Big Behaviors: Support for Oppositional Defiance Disorder

Students with Oppositional Defiance Disorder, or who have similar characteristics, present unique challenges within the classroom for teaching and learning interactions. In this webinar, you will learn more about ODD and what strategies are most effective to increase learning and prosocial engagement. You’ll feel empowered with your new knowledge.


Selecting and Navigating Textbooks and Multimedia Materials


Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction for K-6 Teachers


Academic Literacy for College and Career Readiness


Artificial Intelligence Resources and Creating Lesson Plans

This webinar explores two AI resources: Teachology and ChatGPT to create lesson plans and assessment rubrics. Using AI is a effective way to draft a lesson plan that could be shared with substitutes to support learning. AI is a new technology and  requires editing and revisions to the new content.


What's New with Expository Reading and Writing


Social Emotional Learning: Coaching It Starts with You! Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3

Recording 2
Recording 3

The P.O.W.E.R. of Process Writing in Content Area Classrooms

Presenter: Dr. Chris Street

Participants will explore how to use various writing to learn techniques that are quick and easy to assess. 


Understanding the Function of Problem Behaviors  

Presenter: Dr. Barnett

Participants will explore a function-based approach to identifying problem behaviors and learn to develop strategies for pro-social replacement behaviors. 


New Literacies: Critical literacy skills for an ever-shifting world

Presenter: Dr. Chris Street

Participants will explore how literacy skills are being redefined in our technologically rich world. 


An Introduction to Understanding Diverse Learning Styles


Hands on Phonics Fun for Grades K-2 


Adopting a Mentoring Stance When Offering Feedback to Student Writers

During the workshop, teachers will learn new strategies to enrich their repertoire of knowledge and strategies related to responding to your students’ writing. (High School)


Social Emotional Learning Coaching in Special Education

Participants will learn strategies to enact the role of an SEL "coach" to students with disabilities, providing routinized modeling, meaningful practice, and feedback that promotes growth.


Trauma Sensitive Teaching Strategies 

This session will review the impact of trauma on student behavior and learning.  Participants will identify the physical and psychological characteristics of trauma and develop strategies to support a  trauma sensitive classroom. 


Diverse Literacy Strategies for Diverse Learners: Common Sense Literacy Strategies for All Content Areas

Join us to learn about literacy strategies that are designed to foster student engagement and promote critical thinking skills. You will leave the session feeling confident with many new strategies that are useful in a variety of content areas and grade levels ( Grades 4-12).


Positive Classroom Management Strategies

Participants will review positive classroom management strategies based on an evidence-based PBIS (Positive Behavior Support and Intervention) framework, such as developing positive classroom-wide expectations, reinforcement strategies, and responding to problem behavior. 


What's New with Expository Reading and Writing?

The Expository Reading and Writing Course has been thriving for 20 years now.  Come to this one hour workshop to learn all about the new and exciting aspects of the third edition of the ERWC curriculum.


Early Writing Strategies to Support Young Authors (K-2) 

Consider the direct connection between reading and writing among young learners.


Meaningful Engagement with Fiction Text: Supporting Comprehension in the High School Context (9-12). This webinar is available on YouTube.


Writing Instruction in the High School Context: Support for Adolescent Authors (Grades 9-12). This webinar is available on YouTube.


Restorative Practices in the Classroom

Participants will review and practice strategies for restorative practice in the classroom, such as Affective Statements and Questions, Informal Restorative Conferences and Community Circles. 


Literacy Strategies to Engage Learners

Participants will examine approaches to literacy and reading assessment and intervention/instruction that are anchored in just, equitable, and inclusive principles.


Proud to be “YOU” Social Emotional Learning and Social Media

Participants will practice hands-on three effective classroom strategies that can be used the very next day to build their students' skills in digital wellness through community building and empowering individual voices.


Standards Based Math Instruction for Grades K-6


Fundamentals of Guided Reading (K-5)

Presenter: Dr. Joyce Gomez-Najarro jgomez-najarro@fullerton.edu  


Promoting Student Growth with HyperRubrics

Create clarity of expectations for student projects. This workshop will help educators differentiate instruction through individualized rubrics that serve as a guide for student learning. Students can self-assess to work towards subject mastery.


Podcast Like a Pro: Students and Educators

When individuals know their work will be made public, they create a higher quality product. Learn how to write a script, produce, record, edit, publish, and create authenticity. All this can be done with no studio or extra equipment. 


Critical Thinking and Writing Skills for High School Students

Join us for this engaging and interactive session to learn more about strategies to support the writing process. We will focus on a wide range of literacy activities that can be completed by high school students.


Social Emotional Learning Coaching in Special Education

Participants will learn strategies to enact the role of an SEL "coach" to students with disabilities, providing routinized modeling, meaningful practice, and feedback that promotes growth.


Literacy Strategies to Engage Learners

Participants will examine approaches to literacy and reading assessment and intervention/instruction that are anchored in just, equitable, and inclusive principles.


Literacy for Early Childhood Education


Independent Literacy Activities to Support Struggling Readers  

Teachers will learn how to create engaging and content-rich independent literacy activities that are effective with elementary-level students in Tier 2 or Tier 3 levels of Response to Intervention. Activities shared will incorporate sensory experiences, technology, and partner practice.  


Building a Class Library That Reflects Your Students  Building a class library that is representative of your students’ identities helps students feel more connected to your classroom, literature, learning content, and the school as a whole. Students achieve greater academic gains when they recognize themselves in book characters and topics. In this webinar, several book recommendations will be shared, along with engaging learning activities to go along with a selection of the books. 


Creating an Author's Corner in Your Classroom

Participants will learn how to design a diverse “Author’s Corner” in their classroom which highlights different authors and provides in-depth engagement in the authors’ published works as well as their background. Several examples will be shared along with related learning activities.


An Introduction to Project-Based Learning: Making PBL Manageable and Starting Small


Building Literacy Skills through Art Exploration


Supporting Relationship Building Skills


SEL Activities for Early Childhood Special Education


Making Reading Fun!


What is embedded instruction? Join us and find out more!


Teaching Practices That Help Introverted Students Thrive 

Introverted students have so much to offer, but many of the common practices in our schools are centered around the needs of extroverted students. In this workshop, you will learn some simple practices to create a rich learning environment where everyone can thrive. 


Sensitive Children: The Hidden Gems in Our Schools 

Did you know that high sensitivity is a normal genetic trait present at birth in 20% of the population? And did you know that sensitive people are often creative, empathetic, highly attuned, and very intelligent? Sensitive children have so much potential, but they are very susceptible to their environments, for better or worse. In the right setting, they shine! But too much overwhelm and they may shut down – for years. In this workshop, you will learn more about high sensitivity and how to help sensitive children thrive in a world that often feels too loud. 


Shaming in Schools: How to Interrupt A Harmful Common Practice 

Presenter: Dr. Row

Shaming as a disciplinary tool in schools comes in many different forms, all of which do more harm than good. And it can be especially harmful to quiet or sensitive students who tend to internalize shame in a way that interrupts their ability to learn. Shame in schools is so common and often very subtle that it can be hard to even recognize. This workshop aims to shine a light on common shaming practices and provide tools for developing healthier and more effective ways to connect with students. 


Inspiring Quiet Leaders

Presenter: Dr. Row

Just because a student is quiet doesn’t mean they can’t be effective leaders. Quite the opposite! Some of our most respected leaders throughout history were/are introverts who learned to use their quiet nature as an advantage in developing impactful leadership skills. In this workshop, you will learn how to provide opportunities in your classroom that allow all students the opportunity to find their voice and lead.  


Writing Effective IEP Goals

Presenter: Jennifer Taberski


Successful IEP Meetings

Presenter: Jennifer Taberski


Encouraging Student Participation in IEP Meetings

Presenter: Rosalinda Larios


Strategies that Support Students with Special Needs

Presenter: Dr. Pierson

Grades: K-12


 Online Teaching Webinar: Humanizing Online Teaching

Presenter: Ms. O'Neill 

Grades: K-12


Creating Clarity in Virtual Teaching 

Presenter: Dr. Row 

Grades: K-12


Active Engagement for the Literacy Rich Classroom

Presenter: Dr. Pierson 

Grades: K-12


Disrupting Math Inequities

Presenter: Dr. Brye Grades:K-6


Using Flipgrid as an Assessment Tool

Presenter: Ms.Nigro

Grades: K-6


Resources for Collaboration and Accountability in Online Environments

Presenter: Dr. Ylagan-Nicanor

Grades: K-6


Engaging P6 Students in Online Learning Environments

Presenter: Dr. Gonzalez

Grades: K-3


Nutrition Education: Why it Matters and How to Make it Work in Distance Learning

Presenter: Pheobe Peterson, Daily Council of California

Grades: K-12


Active Engagement for the Literacy-Rich Classroom

Presenter: Dr. Pierson

Grades: K-6


Make Learning Fun! Virtual Learning Ideas

Presenter: Dr. Pierson

Grades: K-6


Special Education High Leverage Practices: Practical Ideas for Instruction

Presenter: Dr. Tiffany Row

Grades: K-12


Make It Meaningful: Virtual Instruction that doesn't feel like busy work

Presenter: Dr. Row

Grades K-12


Building Authentic Connections with Students

Presenter: Dr. Row

Grades K-12


Backwards Design Strategies

Presenter: Ms. O'Neill

Grades K-12


Creating Deeper Discussions in Online Sessions

Presenter: Dr. Street

Grades 7-12


Rehumanizing Online Teaching

Presenter: Ms. O'Neill

Grades K-12


Growing Young Scientists with Online Teaching Strategies

Presenter: Dr. Cox-Peterson

Grades K-2


Strategies to Teach Writing Skills Online

Presenter: Dr. Street

Grades 7th - 12th


NGSS, Local Habitats, and Online Teaching Strategies

Presenter: Dr. Cox-Peterson

Grades 3rd - 6th


Incorporating Films to Teach Literature Online

Presenter: Dr. Ambracetti

Grades 7th- 12th


Reaching Struggling Learners Virtually through High Leverage Practices

Presenter: Dr. Row

Grades P-12


NGSS, Decomposition/Chemistry and Online Instruction

Presenter: Dr. Cox-Peterson

Grades 6th - 8th


Creating Clarity in Virtual Teaching Students Learn More and Stress Less

Presenter: Dr. Row

Grades P-12


Teaching Literacy in a Remote Learning Context

Presenter: Dr. Gomez-Najarro

Grades K-5


Free Apps for Educators Teaching Online

Presenter: Ms. O'Neill

Grades: P-12
