Partner District Cohort Director Job Description


The Partner District Cohort (PDC) Director position supports Single-Subject Credential Students first semester experiences. Specifically, the position helps provide coherence across the sections of EDSC 440S/F, helps coordinate first semester events and logistics, and helps facilitate innovation for the EDSC 440S/F courses.


Provide coherence across the sections of EDSC 440S/F: The PDC Director oversees providing a model syllabus and Canvas course, from which sections of 440S/F can use to build their courses. As part of that work, the PDC Director updates the course syllabus and Canvas course to represent current COE templates, alignment with TPEs, and represents innovation from and among 440S/F Instructors, with a focus on JEIE. The PDC Director also supports Instructors new to the 440S/F course. Finally, the PDC Director coordinates and leads monthly 440S/F Instructor meetings.


Coordinate first semester events and logistics: The PDC Director oversees coordinating the Single-Subject Credential Program Orientation (including communication with all new students) and Mentor Teacher Orientations (for first and second semester Mentor Teachers), which includes updating the MT Brochure and communication with Mentor Teachers prior and following the MT Orientations. The PDC Director position also include troubleshooting with MTs around questions involved with the MT Orientation, reviewing feedback on the MT Orientation, and has also included coordinating access to Atlas videos for unplaced students. The PDC Director also coordinates guest speakers, including the CSUF Title IX Director. The PDC Director also, with the CalTPA Director, plans the timing and structure of CalTPA support sessions. The PDC Director attends monthly SECTEP meetings. Finally, the PDC Director communicates with district partners to invite partner district staff to guest lecture in EDSC 440F/S around their areas of expertise.


Facilitate innovation for the EDSC 440S/F courses: The PDC Director helps lead initiatives for innovation for the 440S/F course. In recent semesters this has included a) designing and piloting reflective sessions for 440S/F students to support students’ transfer of learning between 440S/F and their placements; b) strengthening the transparency of alignment between 440S/F and the CalTPA; and c) planning shifts in the structure and timing of Orientation.