Mentor Teacher Resources


  • Thursday, September 5th, 4:30-5:30pm
  • Wednesday, October 16th, 4:30-5:30pm
  • The Zoom link for both.



  • Is highly qualified and experienced in subject matter area of candidate
  • Is competent in teaching to the State and District Content and Performance standards in subject matter area of candidate
  • Is aware of current curricular trends and issues
  • Is competent in a variety of teaching strategies
  • Is competent in addressing the needs of English Learners, special populations, and various levels of reading ability
  • Incorporates traditional and alternative forms of assessment

Classroom Management Competencies

  • Is effective in managing classrooms and addressing student discipline problems
  • Is able to create and maintain a positive environment for learning

Teaching Experience

  • Has three or more years of teaching experience in California.

Teacher Candidate Support Competencies

  • Shows enthusiasm for working with teacher candidates
  • Is able to analyze elements necessary for successful teaching
  • Is able to coach and advise teacher candidates in helping them develop successful practices
  • Will provide the time necessary for supervision, support, and guidance
  • Will work cooperatively with the Clinical Coach in resolving problems and in contributing to the success of the teacher candidate
  • Is familiar with the Cal State Fullerton Single Subject Credential Program
  • Is familiar with the Teaching Performance Expectations

Regarding MT selection, experience, and mentorship, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) requires: