Clinical Coaches

The Clinical Coach provides support to teacher candidates through evaluations of classroom practice, conferences with candidates and/or Mentor Teachers, and evaluations of TPE Level of Proficiency.   These responsibilities are both general and specific to the first and second semesters of the program.

In the candidate's first semester externship fieldwork, the Clinical Coach will make three visits including using the Coaching Cycle Form Fieldwork (CCFF) to conduct two  coaching cycles.

In the candidate's second semester student teaching, Clinical Coaches will use the Coaching Cycle Form (CCF) to conduct six coaching cycles.

*See below for resources on using the Online Evaluation System.

Observation requirements:

1. All observations and follow up conversations must be documented using the appropriate Clinical Coaching Form (CCFF for 1st semester; CCF for 2nd semester).
2. Observation time requirements: For video observations (*see more below), TCs will select a 15-20 minute clip for you to observe and evaluate; Face-to-Face observations must include at least 20-30 minutes of teaching time though the time frame will vary (especially if the debrief with the TC and MT is done immediately afterward on-site).
3. If not done immediately after an observation, the follow up conversation should take place no more than 48-72 hours after the observation.

After each coaching cycle, the Coaching Cycle Form should be uploaded into the  online assessment systemOpens in new window .  (Instructions for Clinical Coaches to access the Evaluation System)

The Clinical Coach will also submit TPE evaluations for each candidate using the   online assessment system at the end of the first semester, mid-second semester, and at the end of the second semester.

* COE Requirements for Video Capture for Clinical Coach Observations

1. Candidates may use video recordings of their teaching for no more than 1 first-semester observation and no more than 3 second-semester observations, subject to Clinical Coach agreement.
2. Protocol for video capture - Teacher candidates can use any device to capture video of their instruction to be used for formal observation, reflection and goal setting.  Effort should be made to avoid capturing the faces of students in videos. 
3. Protocol for video storage - Once video has been captured, it must be stored in a CSUF Dropbox account.  Videos must not be available on a public platform under any circumstance.   Once the video has been viewed by the clinical coach, feedback provided using the department approved observation form and the post-observation meeting has been held between the teacher candidate and the clinical coach, the video must be permanently deleted   (videos should be kept for no more than 2 weeks).  The only record kept for virtual observations is the observation form itself. 
4. Please be sure all communication utilizes CSU Fullerton email and CSU Fullerton Dropbox accounts; this included emails, videos, and feedback.

Online Evaluation System Guide for Clinical Coaches

Text Illustrated Guide Link for Clinical Coaches and Mentor Teachers

    • Illustrated Guide
    • This link can be accessed by anyone and does not require CSUF credentials to view.


[For Coaches in Secondary Education/College of Education] How-To Sheet for Submitting Blanket Travel Request in ConcurPDF File Opens in new window   (For those employed by other colleges, please check with your college office about travel.)