Urban Learning - Other Opportunities
Co-curricular activities are those that take place outside of the traditional classroom. This program will include project-based and hands-on experiences that will allow them to practice the skills they are learning in the classroom.
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Study Abroad
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You are invited to the Puerto Rico International Education (PRIE) Program! Get involved in service learning, practice your Spanish and be a part of an unforgettable experience. Tied to READ 440B ‘Global Literacies’ (3 credits) in the Summer, this experience is open to students interested in connecting with university and community partners, develop a community and participate in community service projects in Puerto Rico. Students will explore the educational issues of Puerto Rico from a decolonial perspective as well as experience the art, food, music and culture of the island (Intermediate level of Spanish required).
¡Estás invitado a viajar con nosotros a Puerto Rico! Anímate a practicar tu español, participar de una experiencia inolvidable y tomar una clase de verano de tres (3) créditos (READ 440B ‘Literacidad en Contextos Globales). Este programa está disponible a estudiantes de todas las carreras que estén interesado/as en conectarse con la universidad, desarrollar amistades profundas con sus pares y participar en proyectos comunitarios en la isla de Puerto Rico. Los estudiantes explorarán el arte, la comida, la música y la cultura de la isla mientras participan en actividades de servicio comunitario. Se requiere nivel intermedio de Español (oral y escrito).