Departments & Programs
The College of Education consists of the following departments and programs:
Department of Educational Leadership
Department of Elementary and Bilingual Education
Department of Literacy & Reading Education
Department of Secondary Education
Department of Special Education
Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology (MSIDT) Program
Teacher Induction Program
- Urban Learning Program
About Our Departments
The College offers a wide range of credential & degree programs, including six fully online options.
Our mission is to prepare school leaders who demonstrate strategic, instructional, organizational, political and community leadership; and to provide the community a source of scholarship and assistance in interpretation and application of scholarship. Graduates of our programs will be prepared educational leaders who demonstrate a clear committment to just, equitable and inclusive education.
Our programs include:
- Clear Administrative Services Credential
- Doctorate in Educational Leadership
- M.S. in Education with a Concentration in Educational Administration
- M.S. in Education with a Concentration in Higher Education
- Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
- Professional Certificate in Community College Studies
Explore Educational Leadership
The department offers teacher credential & masters programs in a variety of areas, both face to face and online.
Our programs include:
- Bilingual Added Authorization
- Certificates (several available)
- Combined Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and M.S. in Education
- M.S. in Education (several concentrations available)
- Multiple Subject Intern Credential
- Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
Our graduate programs are designed to prepare a professional who promote diversity, engage in collaborative endeavors, think critically, maintain professional and ethical standards, and value lifelong learning.
Our programs include:
- M.S. in Literacy and Reading Education
- Post Secondary Reading and Learning (PRL) Certificate
- Reading & Literacy Added Authorization
- Reading & Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential
Explore Literacy and Reading Education
The Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology is an interdisciplinary program housed within the College of Education. The program is fully online and designed to prepare professionals who wish to further their skills and education in instructional design at the national and international levels. Graduate students learn to use emerging technologies for teaching, learning, training, and curriculum development. Students develop skills in project management, learning management systems, technology enabled media literacy, research, critical thinking and problem solving.
Our programs include:
- Certificates
- M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology
The department offers teacher credential & masters programs in a variety of areas, both face to face and online.
Our programs include:
- Bilingual Added Authorization
- Combined Single Subject Teaching Credential and M.S. in Education, Concentration in Culturally Responsive Teaching
- M.S. in Education, concentration in Secondary Education
- Single Subject Intern Credential
- Single Subject Teaching Credential
The department offers teacher credential & masters programs in a variety of areas, both face to face and online in the field of Special Education.
Our programs include:
- Autism Added Authorization
- Early Childhood Special Education Added Authorization
- Early Childhood Special Education Credential
- M.S. in Education, Concentration in Special Education
- Mild/Moderate Disabilites Credential
- Moderate/Severe Disabilites Credential
- Resource Specialist Added Authorization
- Special Education Intern Credential
The EIP Teacher Induction Program offers new teachers three (3) pathways to clear their preliminary credential: 1) Traditional two-year pathway for those who have recently been awarded their preliminary credential; 2) Early Completion Option (ECO)—for individuals who have taught for two years with their preliminary credential and have been rated experienced and exceptional by school administration; and 3) One-year option for those who have completed a year of induction at another institution.
Our programs includes:
- Support for novice teachers to build on the academic knowledge from the preliminary credential
- Mentor teacher support to enhance and develop inquiry, collaboration and reflective practices skills and knowledge
- Guidance with developing, implementing and completing the Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
- Job embedded learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate