Principal Letter Example
This is an example showing correspondence from a principal. The letter should demonstrate impact, rationale, and reciprocal relationship.
Dear Ms. X,
I am the principal of the school and I am writing to express my thanks for your on-going support for the student and the teachers at my schools.
As the only public school in the area, we are hard pressed to serve the growing needs of our community. In our area, we have a high homeless population and students who have the ability but not the opportunity to succeed.
The influx of student teachers and the new science curriculum have made a difference to our community members. Our parents have begun to see a change in their children and I see a change in our in-service teachers in their ability and their engagement. In addition, our students test scores have risen from 25% proficient to 49% proficient for our 5th graders in less than two years.
I have met with the teachers and the superintendent as well as the PTA, and we are in agreement that we would like to discuss expanding the project in reach but also look at technology and/or engineer as a possible focus.
We are very excited about what has occurred and hope we can continue this important work that is clearly having an impact on our community.