Education Specialist: All Added Authorization Programs Preconditions
(1) Candidates accepted into an Added Authorization program must currently hold a preliminary education specialist teaching credential or be eligible for a preliminary education specialist teaching credential prior to recommendation for the Added Authorization.
Response: Candidates accepted into the Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe Added Authorization Program must show evidence to the Discipline Coordinator that they currently hold a Preliminary Education Specialist teaching credential. If they do not hold a credential when admitted, they must meet all requirements for the preliminary credential as verified on the Credential Evaluation Checklist prior to recommendation for the Added Authorization
(2) The Added Authorization courses may be considered part of coursework for completing the Clear Education Specialist program.
Response: If the candidate chooses autism for their specific emphasis (in the clear program), they can use either the SPED 401 Introduction to Autism or SPED 502 Teaching Students with Autism on their Education Specialist Clear Program Study Plan
as the elective for the Clear. The courses in all other Added Authorizations (Early Childhood
, Resource Specialist
) are already a required part of the Preliminary or Clear programs.