Clear Induction Administrative Services
(1) Possess a valid California preliminary Administrative Services Credential. Education Code section 44270.1(a)(1) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(d)(1)
Response: Applicants to the Clear Administrative Credential program must hold a valid preliminary Administrative Services credential. A copy of the credential is provided as part of the application process and verified by the admissions coordinator. Admission to the program is not granted if this requirement is not met. See admission requirements at
(2) Verification of an offer of employment in a full or part-time administrative position in an employing agency as defined in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(1). Education Code section 44270(a)(4) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(a)(6)
Response: Proof of employment in an administrative position is required as verified by the district/agency at the time of application.
Applicants are required to submit an
Employer Support Agreement
as part of the application package.
(3) An entity that operates a program for the Clear Administrative Services Credential shall provide for the development of a written individualized program of professional development activities (clear credential induction plan) for the advanced preparation program based upon individual needs. The plan shall be developed in consultations among the candidate, employer and university representative. Education Code Section 44270.1 (a)(3) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(d)(1)
Response: The credential program requires all candidates to develop an Individualized Induction Plan (IIP) in collaboration with their coach. Direct supervisors of the candidates provide feedback in the development of the plan. The plan is reviewed and approved by the Research Support Seminar instructor from CSUF.
The process of developing, conducting, and administering the plan is outlined in the
Program Handbook
(page 12) for candidates and coaches.
In addition to the Commission’s General Preconditions as well as Precondition 1, 2, and 3 above, a Commission-approved program shall determine prior to recommendation of a candidate for a clear Administrative Services Credential that the candidate has met the following requirements established in California State laws, regulations, and/or Commission policy:
(4) Verification of two years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position as defined in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(2)(B) with an employing agency as defined in section 80054(g)(1). Education Code Section 44270.1 (a)(2) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(1) and (g)(2)(B)
Response: Applicants for the Clear Credential must verify a minimum of two years of successful full-time administrative experience. This requirement is met through the submission of the Verification of Employment form, which is signed by their employer and submitted as part of the application process. Admission to the program is not granted if this requirement is not met.
(5) Has completed a Commission-approved Clear Administrative Services Credential Induction Program based on Administrative Services Credential Program Standards (rev. 7/2013). Education Code Section 44270.1 (a)(3) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(d)(3)(A)
Response: The research support seminar instructor and the credential coordinator verify that candidates’ have met all program requirements based on the data presented in each candidate’s program binder. A Credential Recommendation Form
is then submitted to the Credential Preparation Office as verification that the Commission-approved program has been successfully completed.