Beginning of Year reminders:

  1. Blanket Travel Requests need to be submitted for the fiscal year. Please contact your department coordinator for specific directions or questions. All blanket travel requests should be submitted in Concur by September 15th. 
  2. A travel request needs to be submitted and approved before proceeding with any expense report.


Domestic Travel Timeline Requirements:

45 DAYS - Travelers that submit Travel Request 45 Days or more before travel can work with for assistance in ensuring everything is submitted accurately, which will expedite reimbursement upon returning from travel.

30 - 44 DAYS - Travelers must submit a Travel Request a min. of 30 days prior to travel to ensure that the budget can be reviewed, and all signatures obtained before travel occurs (Traveler, Dept. Chair, Budget Analyst and Dean) will review to ensure the budget is accurate. If there are other errors, the traveler will need to work with University Travel Operations ( and/or Concur Open Labs upon their return to correct the errors which may lead to a delay in reimbursement.

Booth/Exhibit (as part of Travel)

60 DAYS - Any travel that includes booth/exhibit fees must be submitted 60 days prior to travel.


International Travel Timeline Requirements:

90 DAYS - Travelers that submit Travel Request 90 Days or more before travel can work with for assistance in ensuring everything is submitted accurately, which will expedite reimbursement upon returning from travel.

45 - 89 DAYS - Travelers must submit a Travel Request a min. of 45 days prior to travel to ensure that the budget can be reviewed, and all signatures obtained before travel occurs (Traveler, Dept. Chair, Budget Analyst, Dean, Provost Office and Risk Management). will review to ensure the budget is accurate. If there are other errors, the traveler will need to work with University Travel Operations ( and/or Concur Open Labs upon their return to correct the errors which may lead to a delay in reimbursement.

Study Abroad

90 Days - Study Abroad travel for students requires a minimum of 90 days. Prior to submitting any study abroad requests, please reach out to

Blanket Travel

Blanket Travel allows travelers to travel locally off campus for University Related Business. It will only cover mileage and parking. (If other expenses will be incurred for the travel, it will need to be processed under regular travel procedures.) In the College of Education, this is mainly used for supervisors/clinical coaches to complete school site vistis. 

General overview of blanket travel processPDF File Opens in new window

Reminders for blanket travel:

- A blanket travel request is submitted once a fiscal year.

- If you are a supervisor/clinical coach, please first reach out to your department coordinator for specific directions.

- A blanket travel expense report is submitted once a month. 

- The monthly reports are for the first day to the last day of a month. 

- Each month, the report will need to be submitted by the 15th of the following month.


Forms for blanket travel (emailed to department coordinator)

Blanket Travel Request Guides

Blanket Travel Expense Report Guides

Open Office Hours 

Open office hours with the College of Education's Travel Coordinator is available for faculty, staff, and students. These hours are available for drop in travel questions and assistance with travel paperwork. In person at CP500 or on ZoomOpens in new window . Please email regarding any travel related questions.  

Tentative Schedule:

Month Day of Week Date Time
February Wednesday 5 2:30PM - 3:30PM
  Friday 7 9AM - 10AM *CANCELLED*
  Monday 10 10AM - 11AM
  Tuesday 11 3PM - 4PM *AERA focus*
  Wednesday 19 1PM - 2PM
  Thursday 20 11AM - 12PM *Zoom Only*
  Tuesday 25 3:30PM - 4:30PM
  Friday 28 9AM - 10AM *AERA focus*
March Monday 3 9:30AM - 10:30AM
  Wednesday 5 2PM - 3PM *AERA focus*
  Deadline 8 Submit AERA travel request (45 day deadline)
  Tuesday 11 3PM - 4PM
  Friday 14 11AM - 12PM
  Thursday 20 8:30AM - 9:30AM
  Tuesday 25 2PM - 3PM
  Wednesday 26 3:30PM - 4:30PM *Zoom Only*

*Note: Office hours are subject to change