Induction and Clear Programs Preconditions
General Education and Education Specialist Teacher Education Induction
(1) Each Induction Program must be designed to provide a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that begins in the teacher’s first year of teaching.
General Education Response: The Teacher Induction Program for Multiple and Single Subject candidates is a two-year program that is offered to teachers in their first year of teaching and beyond. It provides individualized mentoring, support, and professional learning to teachers who are employed in their credential areas as teachers of record. The program is designed to support candidate development and growth in the profession by building on the knowledge and skills gained during the Preliminary Preparation program through coursework, classroom practices, and a robust mentoring system that helps candidates work to meet the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
The Program is a collaboration of the College of Education and Extension and International Programs (EIP) and is outlined at Candidates apply online and there is no application fee. The application period is between February-August, with a start date in mid-September for traditional candidates.
The traditional program consists of four courses for a total of nine units:
- EDEL/EDSC 502E: Pedagogy, Assessment, and Support for New Teachers, Semester 1 (3 units)
- EDEL/EDSC 502F: Pedagogy, Assessment, and Support for New Teachers, Semester 2 (2 units)
- EDEL/EDSC 502G: Pedagogy, Assessment, and Support for New Teachers, Semester 3 (2 units)
- EDEL/EDSC 502H: Pedagogy, Assessment, and Support for New Teachers, Semester 4 (2 units)
Sample course syllabi are available at
Educational Specialist Response: The Education Specialist Program
is a two-year program that provides scaffolded learning of all aspects of the profession from their coursework, individualized mentoring and support from their onsite mentor, course faculty, and monthly support seminars offered to both current candidates and alumni. Once candidates begin the Induction year, they take courses designed to build upon the knowledge and skills gained in the Preliminary program, and incorporates the candidates personal and professional goals and objectives so that gain confidence and expertise that will help to keep them in the profession.
The Induction phase advances the learning from the Preliminary Program by building on and expanding the candidate’s professional learning. The Induction phase begins with a Seminar course focused on the discipline area (SPED 531 Moderate/Severe, SPED 532 Mild/Moderate, or SPED 535 Early Childhood) that explores classroom-based issues such as working with Paraprofessionals, working with families in poverty, accessing the general education curriculum, co-teaching challenges, and assistive technology. Candidates are guided to develop a year-long Action Research project based on a need in their classrooms, which culminates in SPED 533.
(2) The Induction Program must identify and assign a mentor to each participating teacher within the first 30 days of the participant’s enrollment in the program, matching the mentor and participating teacher according to credentials held, grade level and/or subject area, as appropriate to the participant’s employment.
General Education Response: Applicants must obtain administrator approval and agreement to cooperate with their participation in the Program. District or school administrators who verify New Teachers' employment and agree to provide required support at the school site.
Within the first month of the Teacher Induction Program, candidates are assigned a mentor who is approved by the candidate’s site administrator according to credentials held, grade level and/or subject level, and employment at the school site of the candidate.
Mentors meet the following qualifications:
- Knowledge of and experience in teaching California K-12 content within the contexts of California K-12 public schools;
- Demonstrated commitment to professional learning and collaboration;
- Possession of a Clear Teaching Credential;
- Ability, willingness, and flexibility to meet the New Teacher's needs for support;
- Competence in mentoring practices and familiarity with the Teacher Induction Program, including willingness to participate in online training activities;
- Minimum of three years of effective teaching experience;
- Approval by the New Teacher's Site Administrator to serve in the role of Mentor.
Educational Specialist Response: According to the Induction Partnership Agreement signed by the employing school, a mentor who meets the following criteria must be assigned within 30 days of employment of the Intern:
- Possession of a Clear Education Specialist Teaching Credential, with at least three years of effective teaching experience.
- Demonstrated commitment to professional learning and collaboration.
- Ability, willingness, and flexibility to meet the New Teacher's needs for support.
- Competence in mentoring practices and willingness to participate in online training activities.
In addition, the Induction Partnership Agreement requires Mentors to commit to the following roles and responsibilities to support the new teacher’s growth and development throughout the induction process:
- Devote time to meet with the new teacher and assist with induction assignments
- Observe and offer to be observed by the new teacher in order to model effective teaching techniques
- Visit the new teacher's classroom for the purpose of non -evaluative observation and the provision of feedback, coaching, and support.
- Be accessible for informal support, consultation, and orientation of the new teacher about district and school policies, procedures, and expectations.
Within 30 days of a candidate’s employment as a teacher of record, Induction Candidates bring their “Bridge” Transition Plan created at the end of their Preliminary Program, to a meeting with their Principal or Agency Administrator and the assigned Mentor.
At this meeting, the Individual Development Plan is begun, with goals and objectives written that are related to the job assignment and the Intern’s professional development needs as stated in the Transition Plan.
(3) Each Induction Program must assure that each participating teacher receives an average of not less than one hour per week of individualized support/mentoring coordinated and/or provided by the mentor.
General Education Response: Mentors provide individualized support and mentoring an average of at least one hour per week for conversation, support, and completion of one pre-observation conference, observation, and post-observation conference (POP Cycle Assessment of Classroom Practice) that is aligned with the candidate's individualized learning plan and teacher inquiry. Responsibilities of Mentors include the following:
- Supporting the development, implementation, evaluation, and revision of the Individualized Learning Plan (ILP), including collaboratively developing the ILP each semester in accordance with the New Teacher's professional goals and needs; supporting the process of teacher inquiry through the completion of the ILP; connecting the New Teacher with available resources to support their professional growth and accomplishment of the ILP; and reviewing the ILP with candidates at the end of each semester and making adjustments as needed.
- Supporting the design, implement, and reflection of classroom practice by conducting at least one POP Cycle of classroom practice each semester; facilitation of the New Teacher's growth and development through modeling, guided reflection on practice, and feedback on classroom instruction; assuming the role of a "cognitive coach," to help the New Teacher improve instructional effectiveness by becoming more reflective about teaching; collaboratively planning the POP Cycle for pre-observation, observation, and post-observation; identifying appropriate strategies for instruction, assessment, and classroom management; and providing feedback on the POP Cycle lesson plan, classroom implementation, and evaluation of outcomes.
- Supporting the collaborative assessment of the New Teacher's development level on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession Continuum of Teaching Practice, including providing feedback on the New Teacher's development level assessment each semester; suggesting evidence to document development levels; and clarifying meaning of CSTP CTP language.
- Providing “just in time” support for the New Teacher, in accordance with the ILP, along with longer-term guidance to promote enduring professional skills, including identifying dedicated time for regular mentor and candidate interactions, observations of colleagues and peers by the candidate, and other activities contained in the ILP; supporting consistent practice of reflection on the effectiveness of instruction, analysis of student and other outcomes data, and the use of these data to further inform the repeated cycle of planning and instruction; and encouraging and assisting the New Teacher to connect with and become part of the larger professional learning community within the profession.
- Communicating in a timely manner with the TIP Program Coordinator, including identification of concerns and issues impacting the New Teacher's successful completion of the program; submission of documents verifying Mentor qualifications and responsibilities; and informing the Program Coordinator of any change in status of the Mentor or candidate.
- Completing the Teacher Induction Program Orientation and optional participation in the Teacher Induction Program Mentor Online Training.
To guide mentors in their role, the Student Handbook includes a wide range of resources, which may be reviewed at (Some parts of this section of the Student Handbook is password protected – the password is FOTIP).
One important resource are Mentor Conversations topics and questions, designed to help new teachers explore topics related to their teaching practice. New teachers discuss topics with their mentors, and then shares what they have learned in a course discussion forum. There are typically 4-5 Mentor Conversation Topics each semester, and each topic includes 3-6 questions. However, conversations between the Mentor and New Teacher should not be limited to these conversation topics. Additional conversations may address other course activities, assessments of your teaching practice, POP cycle, and teacher inquiry. Questions are organized by semester and provided in the Student Handbook at
Mentors are required to complete a new Mentoring Process Log for each semester. The log includes the date, category and description of mentoring activity, identification of Mentoring Practices Standard(s), and time involved (estimate in hours). This log and directions for completion are found in the Student Handbook at The logs are submitted by the candidate each semester as part of course assignments.
Educational Specialist Response: Mentors provide individualized support and mentoring an average of at least one hour per week for:
- Conversation, coaching, and support;
- Consultation on legal issues of writing and carrying out Individual Education Plans effectively;
- Consultation and support for working with parents and families of children with disabilities;
- Assisting with creating and implementing schedules to service all students on a caseload and to choose and administer the appropriate assessments;
- Orientation of the new teacher to district and school policies, procedures, and expectations;
- Discussion of candidate observations of mentor teaching or the non-evaluative observation post-conferences of the candidate as stated in the Individual Development Plan.
Mentoring Support is monitored on the Support Log that is reviewed and tracked by the Discipline Coordinators of each program.
(4) Goals for each participating teacher must be developed within the context of the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) within the first 60 days of the teacher’s enrollment in the program.
General Education Response: In the first semester of the program (in Module 1 of EDEL/EDSC 502E, assigned in the first two weeks of the program), candidates begin the program with an assessment of their teaching proficiency based on the CSTP Continuum of Teaching Practice, and identify goals for improving practice. These goals are delineated on their ILP and POP Cycle Assessment of Classroom Practice (pre-observation conference, observation, and post-observation conference) assignments. Goals are revisited each semester via these two assignments, and are also shared and discussed each semester with instructors, Mentors, and within the Professional Learning Communities of their courses.
ILPs are collaboratively developed and implemented by the New Teacher and Mentor, with input from the employer regarding the candidate’s job assignment, and guidance from program course instructors. Each semester, New Teachers design, implement, evaluate, and update ILPs. Revised plans may identify new goals for professional growth as well as revisit goals from a previous semester. The ILP requires New Teachers to identify professional growth goals and measurable outcomes, describe how the they will work to meet those goals, and plans for evaluating data to reflect on progress. The New Teacher's specific teaching assignment provides the primary context for overall ILP development. In addition, some course assignments include additional goals; and the New Teacher and Mentor may add additional goals based on the candidate’s professional interests. The ultimate goal of the ILP process is to identify professional learning and support opportunities so that each New Teacher may refine effective teaching practices for all students through focused cycles of inquiry. Additional information on the ILP is found in the Student Handbook at
Along with the ILP is the POP (Pre-Observation, Observation, Post-Observation) Cycle of Observing Classroom Practice, a process for examining teacher practice with the help of a mentor or coach, which includes a pre-conference, observation and data collection, and post-conference. These processes are aligned with an inquiry focus identified by the New Teacher as part of the Individualized Learning Plan (ILP); and which are guided by a set of reflective questions based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and the content and contexts of the New Teachers classroom. Additional information on the POP Cycle is found in the Student Handbook at
Educational Specialist Response: The Individual Development Plan stipulates the process by which the Induction candidate is observed and provided with feedback, and given the opportunity to self-evaluate their professional needs, all of which is used to develop the ILP within 60 days of enrollment in the program. This is verified by the instructor of SPED 531 (Moderate/Severe), 532 (Mild/Moderate), or 535 (Early Childhood) course, which is offered during the first semester of the Induction Program.
(5) The ILP must be designed and implemented solely for the professional growth and development of the participating teacher and not for evaluation for employment purposes.
General Education Response: Candidate program assignments and grades are not shared with employers at any point in the program.
Educational Specialist Response: The Induction Partnership Agreement clearly states that observations by the mentor are to be non-evaluative and used to support the Induction teacher’s professional growth. The Induction Individual Learning Plan details to the Mentor how observations are to be planned and conducted so that they can be used first, to develop the ILP goals and second, to assist and support the teacher to reach those goals.
(6) An Induction Program sponsor must make available and must advise participants of an Early Completion option for "experienced and exceptional" candidates who meet the program’s established criteria.
General Education Response: The Early Completion Option is open to all applicants. This option serves experienced and exceptional candidates who meet established criteria for Early Completion. This option puts candidates on track to complete their induction program within one year as opposed to the traditional two-year program. Information on the Early Completion Option is found on the program website at and additional details are provided in the Student Handbook at
ECO Candidates begin the program with a summer bootcamp and then complete Year 2 of the traditional program. TIP Early Completion Program Coursework is as follows (5 units total):
- Late Summer Semester - EDEL/EDSC 502A New Teacher Induction, ECO Bootcamp (1 unit) - 5 weeks
- Fall Semester - EDEL/EDSC 502G New Teacher Induction, Semester 3 (2 units) - 12 weeks
- Spring Semester - EDEL/EDSC 502H New Teacher Induction, Semester 4 (2 units) - 12 weeks
To be considered for the Early Completion Option, applicants must:
- Be admitted to the CSUF Teacher Induction Program.
- Have earned a multiple or single subject preliminary credential and be a teacher of record in the earned credential area for a minimum of two consecutive years of full-time employment at the same site and district.
- The candidate's school administrator must complete and submit the Administrator Recommendation for Early Completion Option Form. This form will be emailed to the TIP applicant's school administrator. This form requires the applicant's administrator to:
- Verify that the candidate has completed minimum two years full-time consecutive teaching experience as the teacher of record in the earned credential area in the same school and district of employment;
- Verify that the candidate will be teaching full-time in the earned credential area in the same school and district as Item #1 during the year enrolled in the ECO Teacher Induction Program;
- Confirm that the candidate is "experienced and exceptional;" and
- Confirm that the administrator recommends the candidate for the Early Completion Option.
- Verify that the candidate demonstrates exemplary teaching performance by way of administrator evaluation of teaching practice/performance via EIP's Teacher Evaluation Form.
Educational Specialist Response: Candidates may file for their Clear Credential as soon as they complete all courses, and fulfill their Individual Development Plan and are recommended by their employer for Early Completion. This is stated on the Clear Application.