Research in the College of Education

The purpose for Research in the College of Education is to accomplish several goals:

  • Further the mission of the college with a focus on JEIE
  • Increase the body of knowledge in the field of education
  • Engage students in HIPs, and
  • Support the RTP/Professional development process

To that end, research in the College of Education will be approved through that lens, along with budgetary, space, and capacity limitations guiding research priorities.

The approval process involves many entities, including a number of University departments. These processes and timelines have been put in place because there is only One RDO, One OGC representative, and One Dean who must read, edit, and ensure the alignment of research, allocation of resources, and approval of assurances of all research projects in the College. Additionally, there are hundreds more faculty in other colleges submitting proposals through the University as well. Timelines help ensure authorized representatives have an adequate amount of time to do their jobs.

Therefore, Dean approval or denial will be granted based on adherence to the established processes.

Exceptions to these rules, processes, and timelines will only be considered for extenuating circumstances. Lack of planning and adherence to College submission policies by faculty will result in proposals not being approved.

Ideally, faculty will refine potential research projects prior to calls for proposals via Concept Papers, significantly reducing the time spent developing the core elements of the research (project goals, objectives, project plan, etc.), only requiring modifications of the research to fit the funding criteria. The Research Development Officer is available to help faculty identify, develop, and/or refine competitive and mission-aligned research.

The following document outlines policies, procedures, timeliness, processes and chain of command. They are firm and apply to every department and faculty member. Intent to Seek Funding PDF File

The point of contact for all things COE Research-related is the Research Development Officer, Dr. Kristina Rigden


Research in the College of Education involves multiple stakeholders, policies, and procedures. for an in-depth explanation of each of these, watch videos* explaining the research enterprise at CSU Fullerton and the polices and procedures that govern research in the College of Education:

The videos will reference the Research Grants Specialist (RGS) which is known as the Research Development Officer (RDO). Updated Indirect Cost (IDC) rates can be found herePDF File Opens in new window