Clear Administrative Services Credential Program
Program Review
Program Addendum: Program Response to Feedback (April 2023).
1. Program Summary
Program Design
Overview of Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC)
The CASC program is designed for full-time school administrators who hold the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential and now need to clear that preliminary credential by obtaining the Clear Administrative Services Credential. CASC is an individualized, job-embedded two-year program with enrollment in a program expected upon placement in an administrative position, but no later than one year from activation of the preliminary administrative services credential (CTC PSA 16-13). As required by the CTC, this primarily coaching-based program includes an individual induction plan, professional learning opportunities, and ongoing assessment.
As required by the CTC, to be eligible for the CASC program, one must possess a valid California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential and be a full-time administrator before enrollment into the program.
Structure of CASC at CSUF
CSUF offers a stand-alone clear credential program (CASC)
- Concurrent courses:
- 2-unit content course (EDAD 501A, B, C, D)
- 1-unit coaching course (EDAD 502)
- Completed over four semesters with a fall start
- 3 units per semester; 12 units to program completion
CSUF offers an embedded CASC program for enrolled Ed.D. students
- Ed.D. students will enroll in the coaching course only (1 additional unit)
Location | Delivery Model | Pathway |
Main Campus | Online | Traditional – Standalone Content |
Main Campus | In-Person | Traditional – Content Embedded in Ed.D. |
Main Campus | In-Person | Traditional – Coaching (Supervisorial) |
CASC Coordinator 2020-2022: Nancy Watkins, Ed.D.
Qualification and Selection of Coaches
Minimum criteria are:
- Advanced degree in educational leadership or related field,
- Five years’ experience in an educational administration position,
- Experience in a position similar to the candidate
- Prepared for the Coaching process with a Confirmation of Training form,
- Reasonable access to the work location of the candidate (e.g. work or live within reasonable driving distance.
The candidate’s mentor and those to whom the mentor directly reports may not act as the Coach for a credential candidate. These individuals will probably provide some mentoring, but the candidate benefits from the University Coach with whom they can have authentic conversations without fear that it will reflect poorly on their career.
Program Modifications
Previously, CSUF only offered the CASC embedded into the Ed.D. program. In fall 2020, we offered the first cohort of standalone CASC induction courses and coaching available to eligible candidates not enrolled in the Ed.D. program. Both the standalone induction program and the embedded program contain, (a) new and updated professional learning through coursework aligned to the CPSELs, (b) collaboration with certified coach, and (c) professional development experiences completed through a partner school district.
Stakeholder Input
The Dean’s Advisory Board for the College of Education is a long-standing board of internal and external stakeholders who meet twice per year to review the status of programs within the College of Education.
The P-12 Educational Leadership Advisory Committee meets twice an academic year. This group focuses on P-12 programs in the Department of Educational Leadership. Thus, this group reviews program assessment, evaluation, and planning data to provide input toward continuous improvement efforts.
Input from these sources is reviewed in Department meetings and have led to changes and innovations throughout our programs.
CASC Program Content Courses (Stand-alone program)
CASC content courses are presented asynchronously online. CASC Coaching is a hybrid of both face-to-face and virtual meetings. Below is an outline of the CASC content courses and topics for candidates in the standalone program.
Course # | Title | Fall | Spring |
Required Courses (12 units over four semesters) | |||
EDAD 501 Series (A, B, C, D) | CASC Content Course (2 units each course) | X | X |
EDAD 502 | CASC Coaching | X | X |
EDAD 501 Series (Content) - 2 units per course
- EDAD 501A (fall Y1) - Introduction to Induction, Epistemology, Analysis
- EDAD 501B (spring Y1) - Planning Induction, Org Theory, Instructional practice
- EDAD 501C (fall Y2) - Implementing Induction, Change, Policy
- EDAD 501D (spring Y2) - Assessing Induction, Forecasting, Ethics, School Law
EDAD 502 (Coaching) - Repeatable four times for 1 unit per semester. Students enroll in EDAD 502 (Coaching) during fall and spring terms for two years (four terms). EDD 501 was an approved Special Course for coaching during academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.
Collaborative Planning
Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) candidates work with an experienced administrator who acts as the candidate's mentor and a CSUF Coach. Together, the candidate, mentor, and coach design an appropriate Individualized Induction Plan (IIP) and reflect periodically on progress in meeting the professional development goals they have established representing the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSELs)
. An important element of that plan is the successful completion of the content courses and/or the doctoral program.
Professional Learning
The professional learning portion of the IIP includes a mix of professional development provided by partner school districts, professional organizations, and coursework apportioned as follows for a total of 60-90 clock hours:
- Individualized assignments in courses each year for 60 hours
- Professional development activities each year 15-30 hours
At the end of each term the candidate and the Coach review progress on the IIP and determine if any revisions in the plan are necessary. These revisions should be reviewed for comment by the candidate’s Mentor and Coach and presented to the Induction Coordinator for approval. All professional development in the IIP must be approved by the Coach and the Credential Coordinator.
Individual Induction Plan (IIP)
Professional performance goals are collaboratively developed by the candidate, Supervisor, and the Coach. Candidates review their interests, job responsibilities, career goals, and self-assessments. Coaches and candidates are urged to focus more attention in those areas identified in the initial assessment as ones where the candidate has the least experience and/or weakest skills.
The IIP Planning Template
is found in the CASC handbook and is available online. The goals are organized according to the elements outlined in Program Standard 5.
Initial Assessment
Candidates working in the Clear credential program complete several assessments to provide a baseline of their professional capabilities, knowledge, and needs. These assessments serve as a foundation in the development of an informed, well-constructed, and purposeful Individualized Induction Plan. Self-assessments are completed in the candidate’s Coaching Course.
Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is on-going throughout the program. As candidates complete the data collection for activities on the IIP, they submit an Activity Feedback form that includes their reflection on how the activity has impacted their leadership practices for each of the CPSEL Elements. The Coach provides formative feedback on the activity.
Benchmark Assessment
At the end of the first year, the Coach, Mentor, and Credential Coordinator assess whether the candidate is:
- progressing so that they can demonstrate competence in all of the CPSEL outcomes by the end of the second year,
- showing growth in their leadership skills, moving beyond being “directed toward the standards” to “meets the standard” of “exemplifies the standard”, and
- presenting high-quality evidence and reflections.
The Coach discusses their written feedback on the Benchmark Assessment and collaborates with the candidate about any necessary revisions in the IIP.
Reflective Essay
The reflective essay addresses two domains:
- A Summary of Accomplishments: which briefly highlights each of the six CPSEL standards and what the candidate accomplished as well as the resulting impact they believe they had on culture, teaching, and learning student learning, and,
- Professional Administrative Services Program: This describes the candidate’s growth in leadership practice and overall development as a school leader and how they believe this has influenced their teaching practice and student learning for better results.
Summative Assessment
Assessment of candidate competence is based on the IIP, where candidates have submitted evidence that will be used to assure competence on each of the six CPSELs. The final summative review of IIP is based on the documentation and reflective essay.
The Coach and the Credential Coordinator must agree that the candidate has met the competency expectations for performance as outlined in Standard 5 of the Administrative Induction Program standards. The decision of the Credential Coordinator regarding the Summative Assessment can be appealed using the standard processes outlined in the University Catalalog.
California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA)
Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) candidates who have not completed the CalAPA during their preliminary program or qualify for the variable term waiver due to COVID-19, will be supported in the CASC program to complete the CalAPA requirement. Support is provided through the program coordinator and includes additional resources and tutorials to complete the CalAPA requirement. To date, we have not had any CASC candidates who needed to complete CalAPA.
2. Organizational Structure
3. Faculty Qualifications
Instructional Personnel Table
Qualifications of Coaches, Mentors and Professional Development Personnel (Instructional Personnel)
Number of Fulltime Faculty | Number of Part-time Faculty | Site-Appointed Mentors | University-Appointed Mentors | Vacancies |
2 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
*Site appointment mentors current in 2021-2022
**One University Coach currently on FERP
Instructor | Degree Held | Employment Status | Courses Taught |
Marc Ecker, Ph.D.![]() ![]() |
Ph.D. | Lecturer |
EDAD 501![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Allan Mucerino, Ed.D.![]() ![]() |
Ed.D. | Part-time |
EDAD 501![]() ![]() |
Ron Oliver, Ph.D.![]() |
Ph.D. | FERP |
EDAD 502![]() ![]() |
Nancy Watkins, Ed.D.![]() |
Ed.D. | Full-time |
EDAD 502![]() ![]() |
3.3 Published Experience and Qualifications Requirements
The CASC Program Handbook
contains detail and description for the qualifications and requirements for coaches and mentors.
Qualification of Coaches
The CASC Coordinator assures that the Coach is an appropriate match with the student and is qualified. Each Coach will provide the program with a resume that shows relevant professional experience in educational administration as well as details about preparation for Coaching.
Minimum criteria are:
- Advanced degree in educational leadership or related field,
- Five years’ experience in an educational administration position,
- Experience in a position similar to the candidate
- Preparation in the Coaching process and a Confirmation of Training form,
- Reasonable access to the work location of the candidate (e.g. work or live within reasonable driving distance.
Selection of Coaches
The primary responsibility for identifying a Coach rests with the CASC Coordinator and the candidate. It is strongly suggested that it is beneficial if the Coach has earned a doctoral degree. This experience provides them with important insights that they can share with the candidate. The Coach must be certified and experienced in school administration. Each Coach will provide the program with a resume that shows relevant professional experience in educational administration as well as details about preparation for Coaching.
The candidate’s mentor and those to whom the mentor directly reports may not act as the Coach for a credential candidate. These individuals will probably provide some mentoring, but the candidate needs a Coach with whom they can "let their hair down" and "ask dumb questions" without fear that it will reflect poorly on their career.
This collaborative process of selecting the Coach must ensure a successful experience for the candidate. Either the Coach or the candidate may discuss concerns about the relationship with the Induction Coordinator or the Department Chair If the concerns cannot be resolved, it is the responsibility of the CASC Coordinator to identify a new Coach.
Site-Based Mentors
As part of the application process for the Clear ASC, school administrators fill out an Employer Verification Form and agree to provide a site-based mentor with the appropriate qualifications and credentials. Then when the semester begins, the induction candidates ask their mentor to submit their CV/Resume with details about the type of credential and qualifications the mentor holds. The induction coordinator reviews the documentation and ensures a mentor match within 30 days from when the classes begin for the semester. These CV/Resumes are then archived by the induction coordinator in electronic files.
Mentor Requirements
- The candidate will select a supporting coach who has achieved success as an educational leader and who exemplifies the CPSEL.
- The Supporting Coach must be a stellar site or district office administrator with whom the candidate can develop a professional and collegial mentor/mentee relationship.
- The supporting mentor/coach is selected within 30 days of the start of the program.
Note: The complete mentor information from last year or Fall 2021 contain confidential information but they may be requested by the reviewers as needed.
3.4 Instructional Personnel Recruitment Documents (if vacancies exist)
Beginning October 1, 2021, all NEW part-time hires must apply through the CHRS system. All interested candidates must apply through this system.
The following information relates to the hiring of part time faculty
Hiring of Part-Time Faculty
- The new system for the part-time pool has been developed and this is a CSU-wide initiative. This system will be used to hire all new part-time faculty and student assistants (next). Faculty who have a break in service/employment for 12 months are considered "new" and will need to submit their application materials to the pool. Please encourage all interested candidates to submit their application to the pool.
- Department chair/director will then review the pool of applicants and make recommendations. Hiring of temporary faculty (full and part-time lecturers) is governed but the CBA which indicates that the chair and appropriate administrator make a recommendation to the President. Employment is determined by the President or the designee. The designee in this case is moved to the Deans.
- Faculty can make recommendations by sending CVs when they are aware of openings (at which point we will direct the applicants to apply to the part-time pool CHRS as mentioned above). The Chair does not share the actual materials with faculty collected from pool. The Chair can discuss program needs and get input from faculty, but ultimately the decision is made by the Chair and the Dean.
Evaluation of Part-time Faculty
- The process of evaluating lectures (part-time and full-time) is outlined in UPS 210.070. Part-time faculty are evaluated annually by the Department Peer Review Committee (DPRC), Department Chair, and Dean. No other evaluation process is appropriate.
For tenure-track faculty searches taking place in 2021, the following information was shared:
Hiring of Tenure-Track Faculty
- The process for hiring tenure-track faculty that us outlined in UPS 210.001. IV. C. The Department Search Committee (DSC) shall solicit feedback to take into consideration (in other words faculty can vote but it's not binding). The DPC makes a recommendation to the Dean in conjunction with the Chair (again recommendation but not binding).
Evaluation of Tenure-Track Faculty
- The process of evaluating tenure-track faculty is outlined in the Department Personnel Standards. Tenure-track faculty are evaluated by Department Personnel Committee (DPC), Department Chair, and Dean. No other evaluation process is appropriate.
4. Course Sequence
5. Fieldwork and Clinical Practice
5.1 Timeline or Table denoting timing of mentor assignment for candidates
- Candicate begins CASC program - Year 1, Fall term(S1)
- University Coach assigned - Year 1, Fall tem(S1)
- VOE and Mentor Resume Submitted - Year 1, Fall Term(S1) - Documents submitted in first two weeks of CASC Coaching Course EDAD 502
- CASC Coordinator reviews and filed candidates documentation - Year 1, Fall Term(S1) - within four weeks of submittion
5.2 Verification of Employment and Mentor Approval
Candidates submit a Verification of Employment
to begin the CASC program. Candidates provide a resume of their selected site/district mentor to the CASC Coordinator to verify mentor assignment. The CASC Handbook delineates the required number of coaching hours (40) and expectations for candidates, coaches, and mentors.
5.3 Coach/Mentor Training Material
CSUF CASC coaches are certified once they complete training through a CASC Certification program. All CASC coaches working with candidates are certified.
Coaches use the handbook and the pre-designed EDAD 502 Canvas Coaching courses to guide their work with Candidates.
5.4 Documentation of Candidate Placements 2020-2022
Candidate Name | Mentor Name | Mentor’s Position/Site | Coach Assigned | Eligible Date |
M. C. | E. A. | Chief Academic Officer/ Magnolia Schools | Marc Ecker | May 2022 |
A. G. | S. P. | Director of Ed Services/LLAC | Marc Ecker | May 2022 |
E. V. | S. P. | Principal/ Capo Unified | Marc Ecker | May 2022 |
S. S. | J. B. | Principal/ IVA | Marc Ecker | May 2022 |
C. B. | N/A | N/A | Ron Oliver | May 2023 |
R. K. | J. W. | Principal/ Capo Valley Christian Schools | Ron Oliver | May 2023 |
B. P. | R. D. | Principal/ YLHS | Ron Oliver | May 2023 |
L. C. | Sh. W. | Principal/New West Charter | Ron Oliver | May 2023 |
R. G. | W. G. | Principal/ Options for Youth | Ron Oliver | May 2023 |
5.5 Induction Program Handbook and Advising Material
The Clear Administrative Services Credential Student and Coach Handbook outlines the qualification and selection of CASC coaches. Role and responsibilities for the coach, the candidate, and the mentor are addressed in the handbook.
5.6 ILP Template and Related Documents
Individual Induction Plan (IIP)
Professional performance goals are collaboratively developed by the candidate, Supervisor, and the Coach. Candidates review their interests, job responsibilities, career goals, and self-assessments. Coaches and candidates are urged to focus more attention in those areas identified in the initial assessment as ones where the candidate has the least experience and/or weakest skills.
Candidates then conduct a careful analysis of all self-assessment data and combine this with previous performance evaluations from their places of employment. This provides a foundation for candidates, Mentors, Coaches, to identify strengths as well as areas of need which will frame the CPSEL Element activities identified in the IIP.
The IIP activities for each candidate are unique according to their current job responsibilities and long-term career goals. Based on the analysis and review of their needs assessment and school and district goals, candidates write individualized professional learning goals connected to each of the six Program Standards. Learning activities may include informal learning activities, professional development programs offered by school districts or professional organizations. The plan must be reviewed by the candidate’s Supervisor who provides comments and must be formally approved by each candidate’s Coach and Credential Coordinator.
The IIP Planning Template is in the CASC Handbook and in the CASC Coaching Canvas course.
Assessment | Description | Documents |
Initial Assessment | Candidates working in the Clear credential program complete several assessments to provide a baseline of their professional capabilities, knowledge, and needs. These assessments serve as a foundation in the development of an informed, well-constructed, and purposeful Individualized Induction Plan. Self-assessments are completed in the candidate’s Coaching Course. | |
Formative Assessment | Formative assessment is on-going throughout the program. As candidates complete the data collection for activities on the IIP, they submit an Activity Feedback form that includes their reflection on how the activity has impacted their leadership practices for each of the CPSEL Elements. The Coach provides formative feedback on the activity. As candidates move through the two-year program, they are expected to continuously improve their leadership practices and their evidence of competence should shift over time so that it demonstrates growth. The expectation is that there should be a shift from the “directed toward standards” rating toward a “exemplifies the standard” rating. | |
Benchmark Assessment |
The Standard 5 outcomes necessary to demonstrate competence are the framework for the Benchmark Assessment. At the end of the first year, the Coach, Mentor, and Credential Coordinator assess whether the candidate is:
The Coach discusses their written feedback on the Benchmark Assessment and collaborates with the candidate about any necessary revisions in the IIP. |
Benchmark Assessment Information![]() |
Reflective Essay |
The reflective essay addresses two domains:
Reflective Essay Assignment Description![]() ![]() |
Summative Assessment |
The candidate’s ePortfolio contains evidence that each candidate has fulfilled each aspect of the program. The candidate presents the Program Binder to their Coach for their feedback. The Coach makes a final recommendation as to whether the candidate has reached a level of competence meriting possession of a Clear Administrative Services Credential. The Program Binder is reviewed by the Credential Coordinator for compliance with program guidelines. The Credential Coordinator bases their decision to recommend the candidate for the Clear credential on the totality of the evidence and feedback from the Coach. The final summative review of the evidence and documentation provides for input by the candidate in their final reflective essay. If at any point the evidence and supporting documentation for the Standard 5 outcomes are determined to be insufficient, the candidate in collaboration with their Coach may amend or replace that section. |
Assessment Rubric
Directed toward the Standard
- Have basic skills, knowledge, and attitudes that enable them to carry out their work activity by activity, with each segment independent from the others. Deals with one issue at a time with little attention to patterns and planning.
Approaches the Standard
Have an emerging strategic vision, enabling them to see how activities work together, and to understand the leadership actions necessary to generate results.
They initiate and carry out an action that builds on patterns of success and lessons learned from past activities.
They increasingly engage staff and stakeholders in planning the team action focused on shared teaching and learning goals.
Understand how to connect their actions toward long term goals.
Meets the Standard
Are able to execute vision-driven action by capitalizing on knowing what needs to be done, how to do it, and why it should be done.
Effectively engage staff and the broader community in cooperatively working toward shared goals and opportunities that result in increasing staff and student growth and well-being.
Exemplifies the Standard
Generate innovative strategies to address complex teaching and learning challenges.
Understand and effectively use the interrelationships among shared goals, strategic actions, and resources.
Get positive results and use relationships as leverage to distribute leadership and accountability across the community in order to continuously improve outcomes beyond expectations.
6. Credential Recommendation
6.1 Description of process ensuring appropriate recommendation
Applicants for the Clear Credential must verify a minimum of two years of successful full-time administrative experience. This requirement is met through the submission of the Verification of Teaching or Service Experience
form . The verification form is signed by human resource personnel, a supervisor, or other official designees who verify a minimum of two years of administrative experience. The candidate’s site mentor and university coach provide feedback on performance throughout the two years of service.
The following information is included in CASC student handbook.
Instructions for Candidates Completing the Credential
If you are ready to CLEAR your administrative credential, please complete the following:
- Verification of two years of employment as an administrator (attached). Typically, signed by an HR representative. Please send me a copy of this form so I can complete the credential recommendation form.
- Complete Reflection essay (submitted to our Canvas course)
- ASC application (see information from the credential analyst below).
The CASC Coordinator will complete the summative and recommendation forms to submit through the department.
Before your email to the university credential analyst, please send the CASC Coordinator a copy of these documents to complete your file.
Below are your Administrative Services Credential application instructions. Please take the time to read through them thoroughly.
Application Information for Certificate of Eligibility, Preliminary and Clear applicants:
Application information can be found at our website.
- Items to Submit:
- Application
- $25 CSUF Online Processing Fee
- Verification of Experience
Any other items listed in the link above specific to the Administrative Services document you are applying for. There is no deadline to apply for your credential. We recommend that you do it sooner rather than later, even if you don’t plan on using it right away.
Processing Timeline
The earliest a recommendation can be submitted to CTC is 5/28/2022 and only if your grades have been posted on your transcript and I have received clearance from the Educational Leadership department. If you have not received an email from CTC by June 20th and you’ve already applied to our office, please email or call me at 657-278-3205, to check the status of your application. Be sure to log into your CTC profile NOW and update your email information to ensure that you will receive the CTC recommendation email in June/July.
Once you receive notification that your Administrative Services credential recommendation has been submitted, you will receive an email from CTC with further instructions. Upon completion of your application and payment of $102.50 (or less) you will need to wait 5-10 business days for your document to appear on your profile. Check your profile periodically for credential document posting.
Please let me know if you have any questions. You may also call our main line at 657-278-3205.
Credential Analyst, CSU, Fullerton
6.1.1 Candidate Progress Monitoring Document
Description: Candidates work with their university coach throughout the recommendation process. Coaches keep logs and notes to monitor progress throughout the program.