Reading and Literacy Added Authorization (RLAA) and
the Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist (RLLS) Credential
(1) Prerequisite Teaching Credential. RLAA and/or the RLLS Credential Programs shall determine, prior to recommending a candidate for the added authorization or credential, that the candidate possesses a valid teaching credential as specified in Education Code section 44203(e).
Response: Candidates are required to submit a copy of their valid California teaching credential along with their application for the Reading and Literacy Added Authorization and/or the Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential. Candidates are requested to submit a copy of their credential to the Department of Literacy and Reading Education’s Student Support Specialist by their second week in the program. The Student Support Specialist and CSUF's Credential Analyst validates that the candidate holds a valid teaching credential prior to recommending the candidate for the credential and/or authorization. Proof of a valid teaching credential must be verified before a recommendation can be made.
(2) English Learner Authorization. RLAA and/or the RLLS Credential Programs shall determine, prior to recommending a candidate for the added authorization or credential, that the candidate possesses an English Learner authorization as specified in Education Code sections 44253.1; 44253.2; 44253.3; 44253.4; 44253.5; 44253.6; 44253.10; or 44253.11.
Response: Prior to recommending the candidate for the Added Authorization and/or Specialist Credential, candidates are required to submit a copy of their California Teaching Credential. All credentials granted since 2000 meet SB 2042 which includes the English Learner Authorization. Candidates who possess credentials prior to 2000, or received their credential out of state, will need to complete an EL Authorization Verification Form
and provide proof of holding a CLAD credential or equivalent. If a copy of the CLAD credential document is not submitted with the application, the Department’s Student Support Specialist searches for the documentation through the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) website using a secured search link. Proof of a valid CLAD credential (or out-of-state equivalent) must be verified before a recommendation can be made.
(3) Basic Skills Requirement. RLAA and/or the RLLS Credential Programs shall determine, prior to recommending a candidate for the added authorization or credential, that the candidate has met the Basic Skills Requirement as specified in Education Code section 44252(b), unless exempt by statute.
Response: Prior to recommending the candidate for the Added Authorization and/or Specialist Credential, candidates are required to submit a copy of their California Teaching Credential and proof of CBEST passage. If a copy of the credential document/CBEST is not submitted with the application, the Department’s Student Support Specialist searches for the documentation through the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) website using a secured search link. Proof of a valid credential and passage of the CBEST must be verified or a recommendation cannot be made.
(4) Full-Time Teaching Experience. RLAA and/or the RLLS Credential Programs shall determine, prior to recommending a candidate for the added authorization or credential, that the candidate has verified completion of three years of successful full-time teaching experience in any grades preschool through adult, exclusive of student teaching, internship teaching, or teaching while holding an emergency credential or permit.
Clarification of Program Precondition 4
Full-Time Experience is defined as teaching for a minimum of four hours a day, unless the minimum statutory attendance requirement for the students served is less. Experience must be on a daily basis and for at least 75% of the school year. Experience may be accrued in increments of a minimum of one semester. No part-time employment will be accepted. Experience earned outside of California must be verified on the official letterhead of the out-of-state employer or employers by the superintendent, assistant superintendent, director of personnel or human resources by which the individual was employed.
Student Teaching is defined as experience in a classroom or school under the direction and supervision of an experienced practitioner to complete program requirements. Other terms sometimes used include field work, field experience, directed teaching, practice teaching, practicum, etc.
Response: Candidates are required to produce written evidence of having completed three years of successful teaching excluding student teaching, emergency permit or internship experience. To meet this requirement each candidate must submit a Verification of Teaching Service
form signed by a school administrator verifying the successful completion of three years of full time teaching. In addition all RLAA and RLLS candidates must submit two Professional Reference Forms
from current or previous school employers and two professional reference forms from department faculty recommending the candidate for the Credential and/or Added Authorization. Verification of successful teaching experience is validated by the Department of Literacy and Reading Education’s Student Support Specialist prior to recommending a candidate for the Specialist Credential and/or Added Authorization.
(5) Completion of Requirements. RLAA and/or the RLLS Credential Programs shall determine, prior to recommending a candidate for the added authorization or credential, that the candidate has completed all requirements for the Commission-approved program based on the RLAA and/or RLSS Credential Program Standards (rev. 03/2011).
Response: At the conclusion of the five-semester program, candidate transcripts and MS/RLAA/RLLS Study Plans
are reviewed, verified and signed by the Graduate Coordinator or Department Chair.