General Institutional Preconditions for All Professional Preparation Programs
(1) Accreditation and Academic Credit. The program(s) must be operated by
(a) Institutions of higher education: A college or university that (i) is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or another of the six regional accrediting associations, and (ii) grants baccalaureate academic credit or post baccalaureate academic credit, or both. An institution approved to offer educator preparation in California must notify the Commission within 30 days if its regional accreditation status changes.
(b) School districts or other non-regionally accredited entities: The Superintendent or CEO of the district or entity shall submit verification of the governing board’s approval of sponsorship of the program.
(2) Enrollment and Completion. Once a candidate is accepted and enrolls in an educator preparation program, the approved program sponsor must offer the approved program, meeting the adopted standards, until the candidate:
i. completes the program;
ii. withdraws from the program;
iii. is dropped from the program based on established criteria; or
iv. is admitted to another approved program to complete the requirements, with minimal disruption, for the authorization.
In the event the program closes, a teach out plan, which includes individual transition plans for each candidate as well as a plan for candidates and graduates to access their student records would need to be developed.
Response: Once accepted and enrolled in a credential preparation program, CSUF assures
the program will be offered until candidates complete all program requirements, withdraw or are dropped, or admitted to another program if the original program closes. If candidates have not yet completed a program that is designated to close, CSUF offers a teach out plan
to ensure candidates can successfully complete the program they entered.
(3) Responsibility and Authority. To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the entity shall provide the following information:
(a) Identify the position within the organizational structure that is responsible for ongoing oversight of all educator preparation programs offered by the entity (including educator preparation programs offered by an extension division, if any).
(b) Provide a description of the reporting relationship between the position described in (a) and the individual(s) who coordinate each educator preparation program offered by the entity. If a reporting relationship is indirect, describe the levels of authority and responsibility for each educator preparation program. Include an organizational chart for the institution as well as the division(s) within the institution responsible for the oversight of educator preparation programs; include any parent organization, outside organization(s), or partner(s) who will be involved in the oversight of the educator preparation unit and/or responsible for any aspect of program delivery.
(c) Provide policies to ensure that duties regarding credential recommendations are provided solely by persons who are current employees of the Commission approved institution.
Response: The Dean of the College of Education is responsible for ongoing oversight of all credential preparation programs offered by CSUF. She reports directly to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and to the President. The Dean is the chair of the All University Responsibility for Teacher Education Committee (AURTEC), which is composed of: Deans from each of the university’s colleges in which pre-credential preparation occurs; departments in the College of Education; and the Director of the Center for Careers in Teaching. AURTEC makes major decisions affecting teacher education at CSUF. A second governing body, the Credential Programs Committee (CPC), oversees all matters related to credential curriculum. The CPC consist of at least one representative from each of the credential programs in the Unit (Multiple subject, Single subject, Special Education, Education Leadership, Reading, Nursing, TESOL, and Communicative Disorders), as well as the Director of the Center for Careers in Teaching. Chaired by the Associate Dean of the College of Education, all curriculum matters pertaining to credentialing are within the purview of this committee. The levels of authority and responsibility for each credential program are represented in the College of Education Governance Organization Overview
document. See also the organizational overview charts:
All credential recommendations are made by current CSUF employees. Verification of program completion is determined by Program Coordinators and forwarded to the campus Credential Preparation Center
, which employs two Credential Analyst positions. As candidates submit credential applications a Credential Analyst verifies that all requirements are met and recommendations for credentials are forwarded to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).
(4) Lawful Practices. To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, a program of professional preparation must be proposed and operated by an entity that makes all personnel decisions without unlawful discrimination. These decisions include decisions regarding the admission, retention or graduation of students, and decisions regarding the employment, retention or promotion of employees.
Response: CSUF complies with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the American Disabilities Act of 1990, including all subsequent amendments and administrative regulations adopted there under by the Department of Education.
“The CSU does not discriminate on the basis of age, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, nationality, race or ethnicity (including color and ancestry), religion (or religious creed), and veteran or military status – as these terms are defined in CSU policy – in its programs and activities, including admission and access…. The CSU does not discriminate on the basis of disability (physical and mental) – as this term is defined in CSU policy – in its programs and activities, including admission and access…. The CSU does not discriminate on the basis of gender (or sex), gender identity (including transgender), gender expression or sexual orientation – as these terms are defined in CSU policy – in its programs and activities, including admission and access…
The Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion Office guides, assists, and monitors the administration and the faculty to ensure fair and equal treatment of all individuals in the processes that affect education and employment by enforcing all federal and state laws and regulations, as well as university policies and procedures related to civil rights, affirmative action, and non-discrimination.
(5) Commission Assurances. To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the program sponsor must:
(a) assure that the sponsor will fulfill all of the applicable standards of program quality and effectiveness that have been adopted by the Commission,
(b) assure that all candidates participating in public school-based field activities hold a Certificate of Clearance from the Commission,
(c) assure that the approved program sponsor will cooperate in an evaluation of the program by an external team or a monitoring of the program by a Commission staff member, and
(d) assure that the approved program sponsor will participate fully in the Commission’s accreditation system, including the timely submission of documents required for accreditation.
Response: All teacher preparation program proposals submitted to the Commission have included a response to all applicable program standards adopted by the Commission. All credential programs require applicants hold a Certificate of Clearance from the Commission as an admission requirement. CSUF is committed to continuing this practice for all future proposals. The institute has demonstrated, and will continue to demonstrate, its commitment to cooperate in the external evaluation of all programs and participate fully in all Commission accreditation activities, including the submission of all documents and other Commission requests within the specified timelines.
(6) Requests for Data. To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the entity must identify a qualified officer responsible for reporting and responding to all requests from the Commission for data including, but not limited to, program enrollments, program completers, examination results, including performance assessments, and state and federal reporting within the time limits specified by the Commission. Institutional contact information must be updated annually.
Response: The University has in the past and will continue to respond to all requests of the Commission for data regarding program enrollments and completion, examination results, and performance assessment data within time limits specified by the Commission. The Associate Dean and the Director of Accreditation and Assessment work directly with the college's research data analyst so that requests for data are reported in a timely manner. The college provides the technology and support staff necessary to ensure that all Commission's requests for data can be met efficiently and accurately. The college ensures that the institutional contact information used by the CTC is accurate and updated annually.
(7) Veracity in all Claims and Documentation Submitted. To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the entity must positively affirm the veracity of all statements and documentation submitted to the Commission.
Response: The Dean of the College of Education provided a letter that positively affirms
the veracity of all statements and documentation included in accreditation materials provided to the Commission.
(8) Grievance Process. To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the approved program sponsor must have a clearly delineated grievance process for candidates and applicants. The grievance process information must be accessible to all candidates and applicants and the institution must be prepared to provide documentation that candidates have been informed of the grievance process and that the process has been followed.
Response: CSUF processes and procedures are designed to provide support for all candidates to successfully meet program outcomes and professional standards. There are procedures in place for candidates that wish to file formal complaints. All credential and certificate programs follow procedures as outlined in Policy One
. This policy was originally developed in 2002 and last updated in 2017. Policy One is presented in program handbooks and provides guidelines for candidate grievance procedures. Complaints that cannot be rectified at the program level are referred to the Assistant and Associate Dean, and when necessary a faculty appeals board is constructed to mediate the grievance process according to Policy One Hearing Guidelines
(9) Faculty and Instructional Personnel Participation. All faculty and instructional personnel employed by colleges and universities who regularly teach one or more courses in an educator preparation program leading to a credential, shall actively participate in the public school system at least once every three academic years, appropriate to their credential area. Faculty who are not in the Department, School or College of Education are exempt from this requirement. Reference: Education Code Section 44227.5 (a) and (b).
Response: All full-time and part-time faculty in the College of Education who teach instructional methods courses actively participate in public elementary and/or secondary schools and classrooms on a regular basis. This information is self-reported and collected by the college data analyst. The following table provides information on the types of participation activities faculty engaged in over the last three years.
Teaching or Other Experience in PK-12 schools | Full-time | Part-time | Total faculty |
Serving as student teacher supervisor, which includes collaborating with PK-12 cooperating teachers and principals. | 24 (52%) | 24 (59%) | 48 (55%) |
Modeling, co-teaching, or teaching in PK-12 classrooms | 8 (17%) | 14 (34%) | 22 (25%) |
Volunteering in PK-12 classrooms | 11 (24%) | 3 (7%) | 14 (16%) |
Providing professional development for PK-12 teachers and/or administrators | 35 (76%) | 22 (54%) | 57 (66%) |
Mentoring new PK-12 teachers and/or administrators | 20 (43%) | 21 (51%) | 41 (47%) |
Consulting in a professional capacity with teachers, staff, and or administrators on PK-12 programs | 22 (48%) | 15 (37%) | 37 (43%) |
Supervising service learning projects that directly impact PK-12 schools/programs | 8 (17%) | 8 (20%) | 16 (18%) |
Other | 6 (13%) | 10 (24%) | 16 (18%) |
Total | 46 | 41 | 87 |
Note: See also a detailed list of activities reported by each full and part time faculty member
(10) Communication and Information. To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the approved program sponsor must provide easily accessible and accurate information to the public, prospective educators, and enrolled candidates about the requirements for admission and successful completion for all its educator preparation programs.
Response: Any interested party can easily access program information for all credential programs by visiting the College of Education website
. All information, including admission and program completion requirements are open to the public, with no access barriers of any kind.
(11) Student Records Management, Access, and Security. To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the sponsor must demonstrate that it will maintain and retain student records in accordance with the institution’s record retention policy. Institutions will provide verification that:
(a) Candidates and graduates will have access to and be provided with transcripts and/or other documents for the purpose of verifying academic units and program completion.
(b) All candidate records will be maintained at the main institutional site or central location (paper or digital copies).
(c) Records will be kept securely in locked cabinets or on a secure server located in a room not accessible by the public.
Response: Candidates actively enrolled in a teacher preparation program have access to their records, transcripts and other documents through a secured student portal on the university website. Program completers can request unofficial and/or official copies of their transcripts through the CSUF Office of Admissions and Records
to verify academic units and program completion.
The College of Education has moved to an electronic archival system for student records using FileNet. All student files are scanned in their entirety. Once it is verified the electronic version was successfully archived in FileNet the paper file is shredded. This process is conducted by the staff in the Credential Preparation Center. All digital files are archived on a secure server not accessible by the public.
(12) Disclosure. Institutions must disclose information regarding any outside organizations that will be providing any direct educational services as all or part of the educator preparation programs sponsored by the institution and identify the type of services the outside organization will provide.
Response: No outside organizations are used to provide direct educational services to credential candidates.