Intern Program
The Single Subject Intern Program provides an opportunity for qualified candidates to obtain an Intern Credential enabling them to teach as a “highly qualified” credentialed teacher in public school classrooms while simultaneously completing the requirements for the Preliminary Credential while at the same time the candidates are able to meet public school district staffing needs for teachers.
Those interested must complete a series of prerequisite course/CSETS and other requirements, obtain an offer for temporary or probationary employment to be approved by the Intern Director and secure approvals of the Subject Area Coordinator. The offer of employment may be for a part-time (in conjunction with student teaching, if offer is for one or two periods) or a full-time position. There are multiple entry points into the Intern Program. Regular, ongoing support and supervision are provided by a Mentor Teacher determined at the time of hire and the University Supervisor. A professional program plan is determined for the Intern while in the Intern Program.
Teacher Candidates must meet the following CTC and CSUF requirements in order to participate in the Intern Program (see Guidelines for Prospective Interns for more detail):
- Acceptance into the Single Subject Credential Program
- Approval of Subject Area Coordinator to participate in Intern Program, specific approval for the specific teaching position offered and identification of University Supervisor
- Successful completion of the First Semester of the program and the Teaching Performance Assessment as appropriate.
- Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution
- Completion of a U.S. Constitution course or examination
- Letter of job offer stating specific dates of hire and subject area for part-time or full-time employment to be approved by Intern Coordinator and Credential Analyst.
Offer of Assignment with identification of Mentor signed by principal
- The Intern Candidate will apply for an Intern Credential for the district of hire with the help of the CSUF Credential Preparation Center.
- As a school district employee, the Intern will be the teacher of record for assigned classes. At the time of hire, the teacher candidate and principal identify a mentor who will be immediately available to support the intern. The principal completes and signs an offer of assignment indicating who will be responsible for site mentoring and that the individual meets CTC requirements. Teacher Candidates in the Intern Program receive 72 hours (adjusted depending on date of entry) of on-site support and supervision shared between the on-site mentor and University supervisor. The Intern will submit monthly Activity Logs documenting Mentoring and University Supervision.
- An orientation to the Intern Program is provided by the Intern Program Coordinator. An Intern Program Plan is developed for the candidate.
- A Mentor/Intern Training is held each semester to review expectations and responsibilities. In addition, the candidate completes an Intern Professional Development Plan.
- Intern Candidates will receive University Supervision. Site visits for classroom observations will be followed by a written assessment of classroom practice.
- The Mentor and the University Supervisor will complete the TPE Level of Proficiency Evaluations for the Intern and submit them online through the Online Evaluation System.
Extension of Intern Credential Program
If a candidate in the Intern program does NOT complete all requirements for a preliminary credential by the end of their 2nd semester coursework, they MAY be able to extend their Intern Credential for not more than two semesters by enrolling in unfinished/incomplete coursework (if any) or, if all coursework has been completed, enrolling in CRED 701 through CSU Fullerton Extension; the latter of these options is used for Intern Credential students who need additional time to pass CalTPA Cycle 1 and/or Cycle 2. The Intern Credential program extension must be approved by the SECTEP Director and Chair of Secondary Education and is based on evidence of good faith efforts being made toward completing preliminary credential requirements.
Intern Early Completion Option (ECO)
The Single Subject Credential Program has an Intern Early Completion Option (ECO) for those who have prior experience teaching in classrooms. This option allows for the early completion of coursework and fieldwork and is
for “experienced and exceptional” candidates. This is
an option for someone without classroom teaching experience; note that tutoring is not equivalent to classroom teaching. Early completion option intern candidates may earn a preliminary credential more quickly than in our traditional credential program (as little as one semester versus two to three semesters). You must review the full CTC requirements for the Intern Early Completion Option
to decide whether this might be a pathway that's right for you. If interested in the ECO option, after you have reviewed the CTC requirements, contact Andrea Herrera at for further discussion. Please know that this is a rarely used option due to the eligibility requirements.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Satisfy all admission requirements for the preliminary program. Please view our Credential Program Admissions
webpage for more information.
- Complete CTC's ECO requirements
- Provide evidence of two years serving at least half-time as teacher of record in a public school setting that meets CTC requirements
for diversity.
- Complete Single Subject Credential Program prerequisite courses EDSC 330 and 340. If approved, for the ECO Pathway, EDSC 310 and 320 will be waived along with all other first semester coursework.
If Andrea Herrera has determined you are a possible candidate for the Intern ECO based on your prior work experiences, you will be required to do the following in the order listed:
- Demonstrate subject matter proficiency (as described on the CTC ECO webpage
) in the content area you are planning to teach.
- Write and send to Andrea Herrera a 2-3 page (double-spaced) statement about your perspectives on and experiences with principles of just, equitable, and inclusive education (JEIE) using ONE of the following prompts:
- Please provide a concrete example of how you demonstrated your commitment to JEIE in relation to working with individuals from traditionally marginalized social backgrounds (e.g., race, class, gender, ability, language, sexual orientation) in a classroom, program, or organization. Feel free to use examples from professional or volunteer settings. Please ensure that you end your statement with a reflection of your desired areas of growth pertaining to JEIE and why you hope to develop these areas.
- Please describe a concrete example (from your own experience either within or outside of the classroom or based on the readings you have read) of educational inequity or injustice and describe what you would do to address this inequity as a teacher in the classroom. Be as specific as possible and explain why you believe your actions would make a difference. Please ensure that you end your statement with a reflection of your desired areas of growth pertaining to JEIE and why you hope to develop these areas.
- After completing #1 and #2, schedule an interview with the Subject Area Coordintor of the content area for which you are planning to teach. This will serve as an assessment of your disposition and readiness for an intern position in the content area.
- If you are recommended for admission after the interview, proceed to Step 5. If you are not recommended for admission following the interivew, you may consider applying for our regular credential program
as a student teacher.
- Earn credit for one Ethnic Studies course from the COE list
; this is a CSUF COE requirement for any credential student and cannot be waived.
- If you are recommended for admission to the Intern ECO based on the interview in #3, you must enroll in CRED 701 through CSU Fullerton Extension; this is a course for credential students who are not actively enrolled in program coursework but are working on program requirements. You will have up to two semesters to complete all other requirements from the CTC ECO including earning a passing score on the APK test, earning a passing score on CalTPA Cycle 1 on the first attempt, and securing an offer of employment as an intern teacher from a local school district.
- Finally, concurrent with or soon after completing #5 and #6, you must apply to CSU Fullerton as a post-baccalaureate credential student through Cal State Apply. You will work with our Admissions Advisor during this process to understand which documents must be submitted and which documents are not needed for the ECO.