General Program Policies
These policies are set by the Secondary Education Cooperative Teacher Education Program (SECTEP) and the Credential Programs Committee (CPC) of the University Education Unit.
- Teacher Candidates are responsible for regular attendance and punctuality in fieldwork placements and in all CSUF classes. Candidates may not miss University classes to attend public school classes, activities, or substitute teach. Promptness and excellent attendance are considered the candidate’s professional responsibility. Candidates may be removed from the program for multiple tardies and absences.
- All absences from fieldwork or student teaching (even just one class period) require that the candidate notify the master teacher by email and copy the Subject Area Coordinator in advance or as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in program removal.
Academic/Professional Attire
- When on school sites and at the district office, Teacher Candidates should be attired in professional academic dress. This includes nice pants and a shirt with a collar (tie optional) for men and pant outfits or dresses for women. Skirts should be a reasonable length. Clothing should not be revealing.
- When on the playing and performance fields, Teacher Candidates should be attired in appropriate dress for the activity in which they are engaged. This includes appropriate dress for the sport or physical education activity: a T-shirt, polo shirt or sweatshirt with the school name and/or logo. Appropriate footwear should also be worn.
- Individuals who do not meet this requirement may be requested to leave the school site to change their clothing. Repeated offenses may result in termination of the fieldwork/student teaching assignment and removal from the Single Subject Credential Program.
Child Abuse Reporting
- Teacher candidates are considered to be mandated reporters of child abuse. Child Abuse Reporting Requirements
are excerpted from the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (Section 11166).
- All TCs must complete mandated reporter training before they begin the credential program.
College of education credential Programs Committee (CPC) Policies
- The Credential Programs Committee (CPC) oversees all credential programs offered by the University. Current copies of Policy One and Policy Two (see below) are found on the College of Education Faculty Resources page
- Policy One-Standards for Continued Participation in Credentials Programs: Individuals who are accepted for admission to a credential program become credential candidates and are responsible for meeting the high standards of personal conduct expected of professional educators. Candidates are expected to be knowledgeable about and demonstrate the professional standards for their field of teaching, as well as University standards outlined in the CSUF University Catalog and Department Student Handbook, especially the sections on Student Conduct, Academic Dishonesty, and the expected dispositions and student outcomes as described in the Education Unit’s Conceptual Framework. Candidates’ continued participation in credential programs at Cal State Fullerton is dependent upon their ability to adhere to professional standards as assessed within each credential program. This policy summarizes the program removal process.
- Policy Two-Proficiency in Written and Spoken English: Prior to admission to a credential program, all credential candidates will be assessed in written and spoken English to ensure that they are able to speak and write English clearly. Since teachers must be understood by their students, and because they model the use of English in their classrooms, it is imperative that they have competence and fluency in speaking and writing English. This policy summarizes proficiency requirements and the assessment process.
Code of Ethics
- Candidates are expected to be knowledgeable about and demonstrate the professional standards for their field of teaching, as well as University standards outlined in the CSUF University Catalog and Department Student Handbook, especially the sections on Student Conduct, Academic Dishonesty, and the expected dispositions and student outcomes as described in the Education Unit’s Conceptual Framework.
- The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) has outlined a Model Code of Ethics for Educators based on five principles: Principle I: Responsibility to the Profession, Principle II: Responsibility for Professional Competence, Principle III: Responsibility to Student, Principle IV: Responsibility to the School Community, and Principle V: Responsible and Ethical Use of Technology
- It is expected that Teacher Candidates will check their CSUF email regularly, several times a week. Candidates are expected to use their CSUF email for all SSCP-related and school district-related communications.
Lesson Plans
- First Semester: Candidates are required to submit lesson plans as part of the assignments for their first semester courses. They are required to demonstrate proficiency in daily lesson planning before they may continue to second semester student teaching.
- Second Semester: Candidates are required to submit lesson plan in advance of their teaching. Lesson plans are required to be submitted to the 449I instructor no later than the Monday of the week of instruction.
- Use of a Lesson Plan When Teaching: Candidates are not allowed to teach without a formal, written lesson plan. Plans may be initiated by the MT or the candidate AND must include all the required elements taught in their CSUF general pedagogy or content area methods course. For observations, lesson plans should be available to the MT and/or Clinical Coach prior to the lesson being taught. The TC must provide the Clinical Coach a copy of the lesson plan at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled observation of a classroom practice. Failure to plan and make use of a lesson plan when teaching may result in the TC being removed from the Single Subject Credential Program.
Grade Point Average and Course Grades
- Prerequisite courses require a minimum of a C- across all 300-level courses (EDSC 304, 310, 320, 330, 340).
- All 400-level Single Subject Credential Courses (including EDSC 410, courses outside EDSC, and Credit/No Credit fieldwork) require a grade of B- or better AND candidates must have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a four-point scale in all credential classes after entering the program to qualify for an initial credential.
- Students who earn below B- in a 400-level credential course will be required to retake the course or risk program removal. No course may be repeated more than once.
Participation in Credential Ceremony
- The credential ceremony fee must be paid by all students in the credential program, whether or not they attend the ceremony. This is a university requirement similar to the graduate fee paid by all undergraduate and graduate students in the year they plan to complete their degree.
- Teacher Candidates who have successfully completed all coursework, requirements for fieldwork and student teaching, and the California Teaching Performance Assessment will be invited to participate in the Credential Ceremony at the end of the academic year in May. Candidates that complete the program requirements after the ceremony will be invited to participate the following year.
Sexual Harassment
- Sexual harassment in employment violates the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act, specifically Government Code sections 12940(a), (j), and (k). Any teacher candidate who engages in sexual harassment in their classes or fieldwork will be subject to immediate program removal. The Sexual Harassment Policy is excerpted from the State of California Department of Fair Employment & Housing (Publication DFEH-185).
Substitute Teaching
- First semester: The maximum number of days a teacher candidate can substitute teach in their own classroom is 8 days.
- Second Semester: The SAC, Clinical Coaches, and their Mentor Teacher must approve in advance any substitute teaching outside of the MT’s own classroom (AND only at your assigned school site). The TC’s MT and/or site administration must be willing to provide feedback and support as needed. The maximum number of days a teacher candidate can substitute during their second semester student teaching experience is 18.
- There is a cost to apply to substitute teach.
- It is up to the teacher candidate if the teacher candidate would like to take advantage of this option.
- All candidates must be in good standing in the program to substitute teach and must attend all courses.
- All candidates must be able to attend all courses and be on time.
- Substitute teaching does not excuse candidates from courses or program requirements.
Long-term Substitute Teaching positions require additional approval. See Long-Term Substitute Teaching Policy
Teaching Performance Assessment
- See SSCP CalTPA page
Unprofessional Conduct and the Teacher Candidate Improvement Plan (TCIP)
- If the actions of a teacher candidate call into question their professionalism, policies and procedures are in place to resolve difficulties and determine consequences.
- If the behavior of a teacher candidate is disruptive or unprofessional in a University course or with a University faculty member, the faculty member shall first try to resolve any difficulties with the Teacher Candidate. Failing that, the faculty member shall inform the Single Subject Credential Program Director and the appropriate Subject Area Coordinator, who will conduct fact-finding and try to resolve any difficulties. If appropriate, a Teacher Candidate Improvement Plan will be implemented. This plan may require a meeting of involved faculty, Mentor Teachers, and the Clinical Coach. If the candidate does not make adequate progress in remedying the concerns, the Teacher Candidate may be advised to voluntarily withdraw from the program. Alternatively, the candidate may be removed from the program according to the process outlined in Policy One
. The Teacher Candidate may appeal the dismissal according to the process outlined in Policy One
- Candidates at-risk for not successfully completing the field experience will be placed on a Teacher Candidate Improvement Plan. This plan will identify strengths, challenges and a plan for improvement. Evidence of improvement and date for evidence to be submitted will also be identified. The results will be evaluated and the next steps will then be designated. It will be signed by the Teacher Candidate and Subject Area Coordinator.
Video Capture for Clinical Coach Observations and CalTPA Submissions
- Candidates may use video recordings of their teaching for no more than 1 first-semester observation and no more than 3 second-semester observations, subject to Clinical Coach agreement.
- Protocol for video capture - Teacher candidates can use any device to capture video of their instruction to be used for formal observation, reflection and goal setting. While students can be present in the video, as required for CalTPA submissions, measures should be taken to avoid capturing individual student faces when possible.
- Protocol for video storage - Once video has been captured, it must be stored in a CSUF Dropbox account. Videos must not be available on a public platform under any circumstance. Once the video has been viewed by the clinical coach, feedback provided using the department approved observation form and the post-observation meeting has been held between the teacher candidate and the clinical coach, the video must be permanently deleted (videos should be kept for no more than 2 weeks). The only record kept for virtual observations is the observation form itself. Please be sure all communication utilizes CSU Fullerton email and CSU Fullerton Dropbox accounts; this included emails, videos, and feedback.
- If using a recorded lesson as part of a CalTPA submission, the candidate must adhere to the Pearson video recording policies.