Mentor Teacher Resources
Thursday, January 30th, 4:30-5:30pm
Wednesday, March 19th, 4:30-5:30pm
The Zoom link for both.
Is highly qualified and experienced in subject matter area of candidate
Is competent in teaching to the State and District Content and Performance standards in subject matter area of candidate
Is aware of current curricular trends and issues
Is competent in a variety of teaching strategies
Is competent in addressing the needs of English Learners, special populations, and various levels of reading ability
Incorporates traditional and alternative forms of assessment
Classroom Management Competencies
Is effective in managing classrooms and addressing student discipline problems
Is able to create and maintain a positive environment for learning
Teaching Experience
Has three or more years of teaching experience in California.
Teacher Candidate Support Competencies
Shows enthusiasm for working with teacher candidates
Is able to analyze elements necessary for successful teaching
Is able to coach and advise teacher candidates in helping them develop successful practices
Will provide the time necessary for supervision, support, and guidance
Will work cooperatively with the Clinical Coach in resolving problems and in contributing to the success of the teacher candidate
Is familiar with the Cal State Fullerton Single Subject Credential Program
Is familiar with the Teaching Performance Expectations
Regarding MT selection, experience, and mentorship, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) requires:
A Clear Credential
3 Years Teaching Experience
Principal recommendation based on exemplary practices
10 hours of professional development related to program curriculum, cognitive coaching, adult learning theory and current content-specific pedagogy
The survey to complete to verify that you meet CTC requirements to serve as an MT.
If you need additional professional development to meet the CTC 10-hour requirement , the following resources are available (or you may use resources of your choice) in order to meet the required hours. Once you have completed the hours necessary, please return and re-take the survey to verify the ten hour requirement has been met (this is a necessary step).
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