Teacher Recruitment Project

Are you a multiple subject credential holder,

candidate,  or prospective candidate

with a background and interest in math or science? 

Earn TWO credentials!

“Obtaining the additional credential opened new professional opportunities for me!”

“Incredible opportunity to get two credentials concurrently! Thanks, TRP!”

“Having two credentials gave me choices!”

The Teacher Recruitment Project (TRP) supports multiple subject holders, candidates, and prospective candidates earn a single subject credential in math or science in addition to the multiple subject credential. The TRP is funded by the CSU Chancellor’s Office through lottery monies. Its aim is to increase the number of qualified teachers in mathematics and science.


Click on the images below to hear what classroom teachers have to say about teaching math and science. 

Click on the images below to hear what multiple subject credential candidates have to say about adding a single subject credential.

Foundational-Level General Science Credential

Science Credential student Opens in new window

Foundational-Level Mathematics Credential

Math credential student Opens in new window


Click on the following images for student stories.

Ina's Story PDF File      Josh's Story PDF File  

  Angie's Story PDF File     Pam's Story PDF File

Riki's Story

Riki's Story

Jessica's Story

Jessica's Story



The Process: Click on the image below to view an informational presentation.

Image of hands holding earth, microscope, seashells and numbers CSET Information

Information about the relevant CSET subtests:

Methods Courses

TRP Support

  • TRP Informational Sessions: See slide 2 of the informational slide presentation above.
  • TRP Advisement : Attend an informational session or request a meeting with one of the TRP co-directors 
  • CSET Workshops : See slide 18 of the informational slide presentation above.


Statement of Interest

Indicate your interest in pursuing the additional math or science credential by completing this form. Note: Your expression of interest does not imply a commitment on your part.

Statement of Interest form

Project Leadership

  • Dr. Kim Norman, Director


  • Dr. Mallika Scott, Associate Director
