Mentor Teacher

Thank you for supporting and guiding a teacher candidate as a CSUF mentor teacher. We know our teacher candidates will learn so much from you. You play a critical role in ensuring that they have a successful learning experience.  The following information will give you a view of the Multiple Subject Credential Program, define your role and responsibilities as a mentor teacher and explain what you should expect from your teacher candidate. 

The following are documents that outline the requirements, responsibilities and information for a mentor teacher.

Mentor Teacher Requirements, Responsibilities and InformationPDF File Opens in new window



Requirements for
Mentor Teachers

Thank you so much for agreeing to support a CSUF teacher candidate.  Your guidance and support is so valued!!

Here is a Mentor Teacher Information Sheet with much information to get you started on your journey as a CSU Fullerton Multiple Subject Credential Program Mentor Teacher.  

Mentor Teacher Information SheetPDF File Opens in new window

Teacher Candidates need to have opportunities within fieldwork and student teaching to practice and acquire the knowledge and skills included in the California Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs 1 to 7).  Please see below presentation for more on literacy expectations and opportunities from TPE 7.

MSCP New Literacy Program Standards and TPE 7PDF File Opens in new window

There are two requirements for new mentor teachers. They are one-time requirements for new to CSUF mentor teachers.  Once done once - you can mentor for years to come!!  

CTC Survey - The CTC Survey is a  CTC  requirement for mentor teachers to show that they completed  CTC  requirement of a total of at least 10 PD hours.  There are several areas of trainings - the requirement is to show an overall total of at least 10 hours.  The trainings refer to any trainings with your school, district, outside trainings and/or with CSUF. 

CTC Survey


Coteaching/Coplanning Training - The Multiple Subject Credential Program centers its thinking for fieldwork and student teaching around the coteach model.  Teacher candidates are all trained in the coteaching and coplanning model.  They are ready to be active partners with you in order to best support your students.  Please take a bit of time to complete the Coteaching/Coplanning Training and complete the google.survey to show completion.  Thank you!!

Coteaching/Coplanning Training for New Mentor Teachers

Google Survey for Completion of Coteaching/Coplanning Training for New Mentor Teachers

College of Education

Multiple subject credential program

The College of Education Conceptual Framework is a shared vision for the professional education unit at California State University Fullerton.  The conceptual framework is grounded in our mission and core values.  The conceptual framework:

  • Guides the work we do, including curriculum, scholarship and assessment
  • Guides the outcomes we expect of our teacher candidates
  • Defines expected professional dispositions
  • Is a shared philosophy among teacher candidates, faculty and community partners

CSUF College of Education Conceptual FrameworkPDF File Opens in new window

The College of Education is committed to support teacher candidates who teach through the lens of Just, Equitable and Inclusive Education which acknowledges, recognizes, and respects the knowledge and strengths all students bring from their communities.  

College of Education - Just, Equitable and Inclusive Education

In the Elementary and Bilingual Education department, teacher candidates are in either the Multiple Subject Credential Program for 2 semesters or the Multiple Subject Credential Program/Combined Masters in Education Program for 4 semesters. 

Teacher candidates take coursework during each semester.  During fieldwork, teacher candidates have coursework.  During student teaching, their coursework is complete.  Here is a description of each course.  **Some assignments may involve working with students - thank you for allowing your teacher candidate to complete such assignments.

Multiple Subject Credential Program Coursework

Multiple Subject Credential Combined Masters Program Coursework

Teacher candidates have two placements - one in a primary grade (TK to 2) and one in an upper grade (3 to 6).  

Teacher candidates, per CTC, need to complete and pass TPA Cycle 1 (Math) and TPA Cycle 2 (ELA).  Thank you for allowing your teacher candidate to plan for and record for their TPAs.  

TPA Information for Mentor TeachersPDF File Opens in new window



Placement 1 - Fieldwork is one day per week for 9 weeks.  Then Student Teaching is every day for 5 weeks.

Placement 2 - Fieldwork is one day per week for 6 weeks.  Then Student Teaching is every day for 8 weeks.

Fieldwork is an active time for teacher candidates to coteach with their mentor teacher.  Coteaching is happening based on the mentor teacher's plans. 

Coteaching Strategies During Fieldwork and Student Teaching

Fieldwork Suggested Activities for Teacher Candidates:

  • Observe mentor teacher's classroom management, routines, communication with students, transitions, wait time, etc.
  • Get to know students' names (quickly!)
  • Get to know more about students - have meaningful discussions with mentor teachers to know the whole child.
  • Take on routines - read alouds, skills practice, small group, etc.
  • Coteach lessons based on mentor teacher's lesson plans.

Mentor teachers - here are some things you could do to ensure your teacher candidate feels welcome into your classroom:

  • Prior to start, your teacher candidate will email you to introduce themselves – they would love to hear back from you!!
  • Spend time learning about one other as people and as educators.
  • Review safety information that pertains directly to your school.
  • Introduce the teacher candidate to other teachers, office staff, school staff and administrators.
  • Tour the school...staff work areas, staff lounge, adult restrooms, etc.
  • Post the teacher candidate’s name where you post your name (door, whiteboard, etc.).
  • Send a note to families to let them know you will have a teacher candidate co-teaching with you.
  • Provide a desk or designate a work area for the teacher candidate with supplies and copies of necessary manuals, textbooks, the current read-aloud book, etc.
  • Provide a picture of the class or individual students with a class roster to help the teacher candidate learn names more quickly.
  • Share daily schedule with teacher candidate.
  • Make copies of your planbook for days of teacher candidate’s fieldwork so they can plan for coteaching with you.
  • Share that “bit of information” that matters: “There is a ‘Peanut Free’ table in the cafeteria” or ”Staff members never park in Lot A.”
  • Share information on staff meetings, grade level planning, Open House, Back to School Night, conferences, school assemblies, etc. Your teacher candidate will benefit from these experiences.
  • Discuss classroom management – class rules and expectations for student behavior as well as acceptable rewards and consequences. Encourage your teacher candidate to begin to use this classroom management with students.
  • Start a shared folder with your favorite tried-and-true activities and good teaching ideas. Encourage your candidate to add to it throughout the experience.
  • Leave an inspirational quote or article related to teaching on the candidate’s desk that might spark an interesting discussion.
  • Gestures of kindness, no matter how small, have a positive impact.

student teaching

Student teaching is a time for the teacher candidate and mentor teacher to continue to coteach together.  Each week, the teacher candidate will take the lead in a content area and continue to build by adding another content area each week.  The goal is for the teacher candidate to take the full lead for 1 week during placement 1 and for 3 weeks during placement 2.  The Fieldwork and Student Teaching Placement Plan (in above section - Forms) gives a clear view of this gradual build of lead.

Teacher candidates will gain experience - during their two placements - in the following content areas - ELA, Math, History, Science, PE, Health and Visual/Performing Arts.

During student teaching, the teacher candidate and mentor teacher will co-plan each week.  Please consider deciding upon a consistent day(s)/time to coplan each week.  Use this dedicated time to reflect on assessment data, use resources, share ideas and plan out the upcoming day(s)/week.  Teacher candidate will then lesson plan to reflect what was co-planned.

Lesson Plans

During student teaching, teacher candidate will lesson plan each week.  These lesson plans are based on the co-planning between teacher candidate and   mentor   teacher.  The expectation is that they communicate these lesson plans to their   mentor   teacher at least 24 hours prior to teaching so that the   mentor   teacher can ensure that the plans match what was discussed during co-planning and that the lesson plans look clear and well thought out.  The   mentor   teacher may let the teacher candidate when and how they would like to receive the lesson plans.

During student teaching, the teacher candidate will create:

  • Abbreviated Lesson Plans - For each content area in which they take the lead.  For example in Week One of student teaching, if taking the lead in Math, the teacher candidate will do abbreviated lesson plans for each day of instruction.

    Abbreviated Lesson Plan
  • Planbook Style Planning - For each content area in which they already lead for a week and showed proficiency in abbreviated lesson plans.  The teacher candidate can then move to planbook style planning for that content area for the remaining weeks.  *Will move to the next content area to create abbreviated lesson plans.

    Plan Book Style PlanningOpens in new window
  • Formal Lesson Plans - For each of the clinical coach observations during student teaching.  *And the second observation during fieldwork for second placement teacher candidates.  5 total.

    Formal Lesson PlanOpens in new window

Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA)

Teacher candidates will complete CalTPA Cycle 1 in Math and CalTPA Cycle 2 in ELA/Literacy.  Teacher candidates are supported throughout the credential program in CalTPA.  Teacher candidates will use these checklists to ensure they are supported and on-track with completing and submitting CalTPA.

CalTPA Cycle 1 ChecklistOpens in new window

CalTPA Cycle 2 ChecklistOpens in new window


  • Fieldwork and Student Teaching Pacing Plan
    This is a week by week view of all expectations for teacher candidate, mentor teacher and clinical coach during fieldwork and student teaching.

    Fieldwork and Student Teaching Pacing PlanPDF File Opens in new window
  • Observation Form for Clinical Coach Observations
    The clinical coach will use this observation form during each of the 6 observations.  Two observations are in person.  Four observations are recorded.  Each lesson observation is followed by a reflective discussion.  The clinical coach uses this form to document teacher candidate's growth towards TPEs 1 to 7, in College of Education's program outcomes and highlights of the lesson and overall teaching.  Observation Form and accompanying TPE document below.

    Observation Form for Clinical Coach ObservationsOpens in new window

    California Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs)Opens in new window
  • Reading Language Arts Performance Objectives Sheet
    The teacher candidate will meet reading and language arts objectives, both in coursework and in the two fieldwork/student teaching placements.  The teacher candidate will initiate a conversation with mentor teacher at the start of the placement to reflect on which objectives will be potentially met.  Mentor teacher will initial any met objectives and sign at the end of student teaching.  The expectation is for the teacher candidate to meet all objectives by the end of the credential program.

    Reading Language Arts Performance Objectives Sheet
  • Final Signature Sheet
    Mentor teacher will sign for fieldwork and student teaching.  Signature indicates that the teacher candidate met all requirements. 

    If applicable, mentor teacher will sign that the teacher candidate had experience planning for, supporting and reflecting upon instruction for a classroom of at least 20% English Learners. 

    If applicable, mentor teacher will sign that the teacher candidate had experience planning for, supporting and reflecting upon instruction of a student who is GATE identified or a student with special education needs.

    Final Signature Sheet
  • Individual Development Plan
    Placement 1 - the teacher candidate will identify strengths, areas of growth and next steps by having a reflective conversation with mentor teacher at the end of student teaching.  Teacher candidate will write their Individual Development Plan Draft.

    Placement 2 - the teacher candidate will have a reflective conversation with mentor teacher and revise their Individual Development Plan Draft into their Final.  Teacher candidate will take their final Individual Development Plan to induction upon hire.

    Individual Development Plan (IDP)
  • Video Consent Forms
    Teacher candidate will ensure that students have consent to record.  If not already through the school/district, then teacher candidate will ensure these forms are completed by students' families.

    CSUF TPA and Observation Consent to Record Form - English

    CSUF TPA and Observation Consent to Record Form - Spanish


Fieldwork and Student Teaching Evaluation Site

Placement 1

Mentor Teachers and Clinical Coaches will complete a Fieldwork Evaluation and a Student Teaching Evaluation (5 weeks) for the Teacher Candidate.


Passing score for Student Teaching = 2.0

If there are any 1s (Unacceptable) or 0s (No Evidence) within a passing score - it will become a focus in placement 2.

**If there was no opportunity for the teacher candidate to teach any TPE or Subject Area - No Evidence (0) is an option.

Placement 2

Mentor Teachers and Clinical Coaches will complete a Student Teaching Evaluation (8 weeks) for the Teacher Candidate.

Passing Score for Student Teaching = 2.85 with no 1s (Unacceptable).

**If there was no opportunity for the teacher candidate to teach any TPE or Subject Area - No Evidence (0) is an option.

Evaluation Site for Mentor TeachersOpens in new window

Guide for Help with Evaluation Site - Mentor TeachersPDF File Opens in new window

California Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs 1 to 7)Opens in new window

Evaluation Site for Clinical CoachesOpens in new window

Guide for Help with Evaluation Site - Clinical CoachesPDF File Opens in new window

California Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs 1 to 7)Opens in new window