8/20/24 Orientation & JEIE workshop- TSU Pavillions- Check in begins at 8 am

Training modules are due on August 14.  Please see Item 7.

Tuffy Cheering

MSCP Orientation & Registration

FALL 2024

Welcome to the CSUF Multiple Subject Credential & Combined Program (MSCP)!   You are officially a Teacher Credential Candidate (TC) and we are excited to begin this journey with you.  To help you get started, we have created this new student website to list all upcoming activities and program information you will need to be ready to start the MSCP.  Please take time and ensure that you read all the information and that you complete all the action items listed below.  Check back regularly as we will be updating information as it gets closer to the start of the semester.  


CSUF Admissions sent you an email with instructions to accept your admission to the university. Make sure you accept and pay the deposit fee of $250. If you do not accept your admission, you will not be able to register for classes.  

2.  Handbook acknowledgement (due by may 25) 

Please read the   MSCP HandbookPDF File Opens in new window and submit your signed acknowledgement by May 25.   Teacher candidates are held to these standards from Day 1.  Candidates who do not meet the expectations outlined will be placed on a "Teacher Candidate Improvement Plan."  Once you have read the handbook, please initial and sign the Handbook Acknowledgement, save as PDF with your edits, and submit to edelsa@fullerton.edu   with subject "Handbook- your name - credential or combined" (e.g. Handbook- Patricia Feliz- credential)

3. MANDATORY In-person block meetings & Orientation - August 20, 2024 

All MSCP students are required to attend  Block Meetings and Program Orientation on campus the week before the semester begins.  During the block meetings, you will get to know your faculty block leaders and your peers and review program procedures, expectations, and program calendars.  The New Student Orientation is a full day activity that includes a 2-hour training in JEIE (Just, Equitable, & Inclusive Education), instructional strategies, and opportunities to interact with program faculty and your classmates.

Check In begins at 8 am

Location:  Titan Student Union-Pavillions BC (see maps linked below) 

Morning Session (JEIE workshop & Lunch) 8:30 am -1:30 pm

Afternoon Session (Block Meetings) 1:30-4:30 pm

ORIENTATION Registration:  Confirm your participation and dietary needs Opens in new window

CSUF Parking InformationOpens in new window

CSUF MapPDF File Opens in new window

Titan Student Union MapOpens in new window

4. Important Tasks and Deadlines for Program Documents (Summer 2024)

Activity Timeline
Incoming students are assigned blocks and receive course registration information mid-July           
Incoming students complete mandatory online training modules and submit required forms complete by Aug. 14
In-Person MSCP Orientation & JEIE Workshop (Titan Student Union - Pavillion BC)

Tuesday, August 20

8 am - 4:30 pm

Candidates receive placement information Week of Aug. 26
First Day of Class Monday, August 26

5. Conditionally Admitted Students - How to clear your conditional status

If your admission status indicates that you are "conditionally admitted,"  you have items that were in progress at the time of your application.  It is your responsibility to clear your conditional status before classes begin to avoid future holds on your registration.  Your admission documents list specific timelines by which items must be completed.  Please make sure you adhere to those dates.

Pending Item What to do Additional Info

Prerequisite Courses

(EDEL 315, 325, Human Development, Ethnic Studies)

Submit official proof that you have completed the class with a grade of C- or better (e.g. transcripts).  Underline or highlight the course and final grade. 

Upload the transcript to your CSU Apply portal and send email to notify edelsa@fullerton.edu 


Degree Conferral

  1. Submit official transcripts showing all final grades. Transcript must include language stating "degree conferred" and include date of conferral.
  2. If did not complete your undergraduate degree at CSUF, you will also need to submit an official electronic transcript to the CSUF Office of Admissions Opens in new window

1. Upload 1 set to CSU Apply and notify edelsa@fullerton.edu

2. 2nd set:  If you did not graduate from CSUF, send 2nd set to CSUF ADMISSIONS OFFICE


Subject Matter Verification

CSET Exams - submit transcripts with passing status of exam.

SMC Coursework- submit your SMR Coursework form that has final approval & signature from advisor at Center for Careers in Teaching.























When are placements announced?

Placements are made by our department's Placement Coordinator and will be confirmed with you after Orientation.  Please do not contact faculty or the department about placement questions until after Orientation.  You may be contacted earlier if you are placed in a district that has additional screening and paperwork requirements, but most placements are confirmed after Orientation.

Does the Department have your current zip code on file?

Make sure the department has the zip code where you will be living while you are in the program.  This information is used to assign your school sites.  If your address will be different than what is on your application, please follow the directions for name & address changes below.

When does fieldwork start?  When does student teaching start?

During your first semester of the program, you will be completing fieldwork which will require you to be at school sites one day a week for the first 10 weeks of classes.  Full-time student teaching occurs during the last 5 weeks of the semester.  Special note about spring break: Please note that CSUF spring break does NOT always coincide with those of our district partners.  Please know that you will be expected to show up to your school site during the CSUF spring break. 


 All training and documents must be completed in accordance with university and state credentialing guidelines. 

All training and pending documents are due to edelsa@fullerton.edu by Wednesday, August 14.   Subject line should read "F24 Training docs - Last Name, First Name".  We will begin to accept training docs after June 15, 2024.

  1. Mandatory Reporter Educator's TrainingOpens in new window   (2 hours) - Please complete the "General Training."  If you previously completed this training for another activity or employer, you may submit your Certificate of Completion as long as the training was completed within the last 2 years.
  2. Copyright Training ModuleOpens in new window   (5 hours) - There are 3 sections to this module.  When you submit the final quiz, you will be emailed a Certificate.  Submit the Certificate of Completion.

Required Forms- These forms below will all be recorded in google forms.  Send an email to edelsa@fullerton.edu only after you have finished all 3 forms below confirming "Required liability, release, and CalTPA forms have been completed."  

  1. Release of Liability Opens in new window
  2. Permission to Release Information Opens in new window
  3. College of Education CalTPA Policy Opens in new window
  4. MSCP Handbook Acknowledgement (See Item 2.  Please submit by May 25)

CPR & TB - Make sure current CPR and TB are on file.

Your CPR and TB should be completed and current for the duration of the program.  Please make sure you submit your current CPR or updated CPR and/or TB to edelsa@fullerton.edu with subject "CPR-TB LastName, FirstName" as soon as possible.

8. Block Assignment & CLASS REgistration

Block assignments have been emailed to your csuf email address.  Please click the link for your assigned block below.  Use the information to register for your classes.

Block 1PDF File Opens in new window

Block 3PDF File Opens in new window

Block 4PDF File Opens in new window

Block 21PDF File Opens in new window

Block 22PDF File Opens in new window

Block 25PDF File Opens in new window

Class Registration 

First semester study planOpens in new window consists of 10 weeks of classes and fieldwork (one day a week) followed by 5 weeks of student teaching.  

A few important notes about registration and class enrollment:

  • Read "Things you should know about registration" in the Fall 2024 REGISTRATION GUIDESOpens in new window
  • To avoid being dropped from a class, make sure you do not miss payment deadlines or have any active "Holds" on your account.  Information about payment deadlines is available in your Student Portal under "Financial Account" or at the Student Business Services .Opens in new window
  • Some of your classes are 7-week or "short" classes.  They have earlier deadlines for adding, dropping, withdrawals, etc.  Please make sure you check the registration guidesOpens in new window for deadlines.  

CHECK CLASS SCHEDULE regularly in your portal to confirm course enrollment.  Access to Canvas courses is not a guarantee of enrollment. 

9. Update Contact Information 

The information you submitted with your application to the credential program is used for program related communication and placements.  Changes in address, emails, phone numbers, and names should be reported to the University and to the Multiple Subject Credential Program

1) University- make updates in CSUF Student Portal 

2) Multiple Subject Credential Program-  Send email to   edelsa@fullerton.edu   and kfutami@fullerton.edu 

10.  Register for caltpa & rica for $0 (until june 30)

Teacher candidates are required to pass the RICA and CalTPA assessments.   You will have one year to complete these assessments and will be given support and more direction during the credential program.  The registration fee for these assessments is currently $0 until June 1st.  You can register now to take advantage of the $0 fee, even though you will not take exams until after the start of the program.  

Register for the following tests:

  1. RICA - Subtests 1, 2, 3
  2. CalTPA - Multiple Subject Cycle 1 Learning about Students and Planning Instruction (Mathematics)
  3. CalTPA - Multiple Subject Cycle 2 Assessment Driven Instruction (Literacy)

Questions about student teaching placements, you may answer:  1st grade, English instruction (these answers can be edited later, before you test).  For additional guidance, please see Registration Guide Cal TPAPDF File Opens in new window

Additional Resources and Opportunities

Bilingual Authorization

If you plan to pursue the Bilingual Authorization (BiAu), you will need to contact Dr. Fernando Rodriguez-Valls (frodriguez-valls@fullerton.eduOpens in new window ). You must complete an assessment by Dr. Rodriguez-Valls to participate in the Summer 2025 courses for the Bilingual Authorization.  If you have questions about resources for bilingual candidates in the credential program, please contact Prof. Michelle Soto-Peña (msotopena@fullerton.edu).

Financial Aid & Scholarships

New: Financial Resources for Teacher Candidates (Commission on Teacher Credentialing)Opens in new window

There are several financial aid resources to help make earning your credential or degree in education more affordable.    The College of Education's financial resources webpage lists scholarships, loan forgiveness, and other grant opportunities to support you.  If you have a concern related to financial assistance, please reach out to Amir Woods, CSUF's Student Success & Community Engagement Specialist.

Need to check out an ipad?

All candidates in the program must have access to a device (i.e. iPad, Chromebook, laptop, tablet, etc.) as technology is integrated throughout and is used for coursework and field experience.  IPads are available for check-out at no cost to candidates. 

Please read/complete the following important steps:

  1. Complete the IPAD Check Out Form Please be sure to read the Terms of Agreement and complete the form by Monday, August 12.
  2. Login Information- If you do not already have an Apple ID, click here to create one.  Opens in new window
  3.  Please pick up devices at Education Classroom EC-324 by Friday, August 30.

CSUF has many other technology resources available to students.  If you need other technology (laptops, mi-fi's etc) please visit CSUF Division of Information TechnologyOpens in new window for more information.

Other campus Resources

CSUF offers a variety of resources to support you:

CSUF Career CenterOpens in new window

YOU at FullertonOpens in new window - a virtual, confidential wellness platform designed to help students enhance their personal health, physical wellness and mental health through articles, videos, and CSUF resources.  

Tuffy Basic NeedsOpens in new window - comprehensive programs and support to students who experience unforeseen hardships that often result in food, housing, and financial insecurity

Health Insurance and Student Injury

Purchasing and maintaining your own health insurance is very important and highly recommended.  Do not assume that either the University or the school site will provide medical coverage in your role as a fieldwork student or a student teacher.  For some illnesses or injuries, the Student Health Center on campus may be able to provide treatment.

In the event of an injury on campus or at your school site, please contact your   Instructor and Block Leader   within 12 hours of the incident.  The Instructor or Block Leader must complete a "Student Injury or Illness Report"   and submit it to Environmental Health and Safety (T-1400) and Carol Yeh cayeh@fullerton.edu within 24 hours of the incident.