Foundational Level Mathematics (FLM) Teacher Credential Program
This program aims to prepare middle school and early high school teachers of mathematics. At CSUF the FLM credential is a stand-alone program separate from the Mathematics credential program. This has allowed us to create a strong focus on preparing teachers of middle school mathematics with a particular emphasis on teaching pre-algebra and algebra. Our program completers have developed the perspectives and skills needed to plan and implement lessons that engage learners in making sense of foundational concepts and skills and preparing them for the advanced coursework that follows. The FLM program at CSU Fullerton is recognized as a national model for middle school mathematics teacher preparation. Read through the resources below for details. For more information, contact the FLM program coordinator, Dr. B Waid
or the FLM Math Ally, Dr. Bridget Druken
, in the Math Department.
flm Resources
What is the Foundational Level Mathematics Credential Program?
How to Apply to the Single Subject Credential Program at CSUF
Liberal Studies Pathway (study plan)
Becoming a Teacher of Mathematics video
Teacher Recruitment Project (TRP) Foundational Level Mathematics (for multiple subject teachers who want to add Math authorization)
S.M.A.R.T Girls and MSTI: Teaching in Mathematics Panel
Why Consider a Career in teaching Computer Science and Math? (2021)
contact us
Dr. B Waid: FLM Program Coordinator
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What am I authorized to teach with an FLM Credential?
The state of California has authorized the teaching of any mathematics course through Advanced Algebra by those with an FLM credential. Note that while you are a student in the CSUF FLM credential program, you cannot be placed in a course above Algebra I for student teaching or intern teaching since our primary aim is to prepare effective teachers of middle school mathematics, pre-algebra, and algebra. Also, with the FLM credential, you are not authorized to teach Computer Science classes; you will need the Mathematics credential to be authorized for Computer Science.
Do I need to major in mathematics?
You do not need to major in mathematics but must demonstrate content knowledge proficiency by passing the rigorous CSET Mathematics I and II exams. However, if you are working on an undergraduate degree, it is strongly encouraged that you earn a minor in mathematics email Dr. Druken in the Math Department for more details). At CSUF, the Departments of Child and Adolescent Studies and Liberal Studies have study plans that integrate a mathematics minor and credential pre-requisite courses into the requirements for their undergraduate major. Ask an advisor in the Center for Careers in Teaching for more information.
What are the pre-requisite classes for admission to the FLM program?
For all credential areas, you must complete 4 pre-requisite courses (EDSC 310, 320, 330, 340). In addtion, there is an Ethnic Studies course requirement for all credential programs at CSU Fullerton. It is also recommended that you complete the educational technology course (EDSC 304) and the teaching English learners course (EDSC 410) before starting the program to reduce your course load once in the program.
What are the CSET Exams?
The CSET mathematics exams are content tests that establish whether you meet the minimum standards with respect to knowledge of mathematics for teaching. You must pass CSET Mathematics I (algebra and number theory) and Mathematics II (geometry, probability, and statistics) to be content knowledge eligible for the FLM program. For more information about the CSET and some of the programs offered for students to prepare for the exam see the following links.
Fresno State Mathematics and Science CSET Workshops
- read through their homepage and/or workshops page for details about free CSET seminars!
- Free online CSET Math I course (self-paced)
- Free online CSET Math II course (self-paced)
California Educator Credentialing Assessments: Mathematics
What opprotunities for financial aid exist?