About Us

The Master's of Science in Instructional Design and Technology program was launched in 2002 as one of the first fully online degree programs in the nation. We currently have over 400 graduates, each representing fifty different professional business/corporate areas. Since the inception of the program, we have strived to incorporate theory and research related to adult learning and cognition, melded with current and emerging practices and tools in technology. Graduate students experience the best practices in the field, reflecting innovative instructional strategies as well as assessment and evaluation methodologies. They develop skills in project manaU.S. World Best Online Program 2020 Badgegement, the Learning Management System (LMS), collaboration, written communication, technology-enabled media literacy, research, and critical thinking/problem-solving while learning to use the tools of technology to develop sound curricula. The master's program provides a challenging and rigorous educational environment and students can participate in the benefits of faculty mentoring and professional networking provided by our vibrant and active Alumni Chapter Association. We are also pleased to now offer a certificate program in Instructional Design and Technology.

We are ranked by U.S. News & World Report as a Best Online Program!




Please contact us if you have any questions about the Master of Science or the Instructional Design Certificate programs. All voice messages are recorded and sent to email as audio files. Please be sure to leave a phone number for us to reach you at if you leave a voice mail.

Contact Info
Contact For Contact Information    
Dr. Cynthia Gautreau
Program Director
Program advising, transferring to the program
from another university, current student issues,
cgautreau@fullerton.eduOpens in new window
MSIDT General Contact General program questions, Resumes/Personal 
Statements, contacting faculty/staff
msidt@fullerton.eduOpens in new window    
Mailing Address California State University, Fullerton
MSIDT Program
2600 Nutwood Ave., Suite 570
Fullerton, CA 92381


Informational Videos and testimonials

Take a look at the informational videos created by our faculty that go over the MSIDT program. Or sneak a peek at our alumni testiomonials where they share their experiences in the program! We also have free, recorded webinars for you to peruse at your own time.
Take a Look!Opens in new window

Continuing/New Eligibile Entitled Faculty for M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology for:

  • Shariq Ahmed

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